He is We.

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"Move out of the way loser!" A couple girls pass me. They shoulder check me causing my books to scatter across the hallway. Just look at them. Fake eyes lashes, Fake hair, Fake tan. The bells rings. "Great. Late for class." I mutter as the hallways clear. I feel a hand softly on my back. Uh oh. Must be a teacher. Crap. "Hey, uhm. Do you need help?" A deep voice says. I look up to see gorgeous brown eyes looking down at me. I just stare at him in awe. He must be an angel or something because no one human can be that beautiful. He had long straight black hair that almost covers his eyes. He had a bit of a tan, but I don't mind. His eyes. There brown like a chocolate water fall. The kind that makes your heart weak. "Hello?" I snap back into reality when i realize I was just staring at him. Even though I don't answer, he leans down and helps me pick up my books. "Hey, i'm Oliver, you can can call me Oli. I'm new here." he smiles at me. Man, that smile. He has 2 lip piercings. Which is a complete turn on. "I'm Ronnie" I say shyly. I find myself blushing a bright red. I go to pick up my last journal when a drawing falls out. "Don't look at it!" I yell as i go to pick up but it's already in his hands. "Wow. This is amazing. Your an artist too?" He asked. "Yeah I guess. It you call that thing art." I say in reply.

"Well, we should get to class, where are you headed to?"

"Algebra" I groan.

"Me too, do you mind escorting me?"

"Not at all" I grin embarrassingly

We walk through the hall telling each other information and when we get to class we find the Fairly young teacher impatient with our tardiness. "Why. Are you late again Ronnie." She rolls her eyes and sighs. Oliver butts in "Uhm ma'am sorry, she tripped in the hallway and dropped her books." I look down at the ground the cover the fact that i'm blushing insanely due to him bravely covering for me. "And who are you?" Mrs. Jones asked Oliver. "I'm Oliver Raldoph, a new student here"

"Welcome Oliver, you can go have a seat behind Ronnie"

I go sit in my seat and class continues. Ugh math is so boring. I'm so tempted so turn around to see that face again. Is this a Dream of some sort?


First Story ever guys O: tell me your opinions c: even if it's a total fail. Tell me, i'm only here to improve. If you like it, should I continue? Thanks x c: <3

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