Chapter 1

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At the end of class I hear my name. I turn around the reminded of his lovely face. Those eyes make my heart skip a couple beats every time.

"Your actually pretty cool, Ronnie. I think we'll be pretty good friends or more..."

I'm shocked. "Wait, what?" I blush more than ever at the mention of being more than friends.

"Um. I meant. Um... Just Never mind..."

A few awkward seconds pass. The bell rings signaling the end of the period. School is over, Thank god. I lean down to pick up my books.

"Can I walk you home ?"

"I guess so" I smile at him "meet me at the front doors.

When my locker door opens, I see that someone broke into it. They stole nothing but Instead wrote hurtful words like "loser" and "gothic Freak" . I try to look past it. I put my books in my locker and put my hoodie on, and put the hood over my head. I keep my head low to keep unnoticed and because i'm so close to tears. There he is waiting just outside the front doors where I told him to wait. He has his leather jacket in his hands. He looks so cute in those sunglasses.

Just look at him. Sitting back on the stairs, enjoying the spring sun. It would certainly be a good idea to not make him wait much longer. He turns his head and watches me approach him.

"Hi" I say shyly. Hi? Seriously? Ugh, Ronnie.

"Ready to go?" He asked.


"Yep, you may lead" he smiled goofily

I love him. I must. Everything about him. Amazing. He starts singing. His voice. Is perfect.

"How much long is your house?"

"It's just down the road"

He looks around at the unfamiliar street. As we approach my house I can hear my parents yelling. Great, mom and dad are sober again.

"Wow, some people are unhappy..." He clearly notices the yelling happening but doesn't know that those are my parents.

"I can walk to my house from here..." There's no way I'm letting him see my dump of a house and sober parents.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" I look down at my scuffed up converse.

"Well, i'll see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow." I slightly smile at that thought. He waves and walks back down the road the way we came. He looks back a couple times and then turns. It's safe to go "home" now.

I open the front door. Dad's sitting on the couch. Mom's probably in the kitchen. They look horrible.

"Ronnie, come here" dad grumbles as he stands and takes his belt off. I close my eyes and pray to god. I slowly step towards him.

"Your such a fucking mistake." He whips me with his belt. He's clearly sober and getting sicker because he nearly faints giving me time to run upstairs and lock myself within my room. I put my headphones on to ignore the outside world and sit by the door. My music is as loud as it can be but I hear him pounding on the door. I look in the mirror to find slashes on my back from him. His words repeat themselves in my head over and over. By now, i'm sobbing. I open my desk drawer and pull out my blades. I sit on my bed, staring my wrists. I swipe the blades across my wrists till i see the red streams down my arms. I lay back and fall asleep.


Dun dun dun o: Dramatic. What will happen next? O:

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