Chapter 6

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After twenty minutes of struggling to pay attention, I pull out my phone. I pretend to be taking notes but I'm really texting Tristan.

"I am so bored."

He texts back. "You can think about our date tomorrow, we get to watch the games by ourselves."

I wince. "I forgot to tell you. Aunt Freya won't let us go by ourselves. She said it would be perceived badly."

He responds with. "It's a shame. I was looking forward to watching grown men and women get beaten to a pulp with you."

I shudder. "We can still go. But I'm bringing Gray."

"I'll bring Jamie."

"Cool. It would be like a public secret date."

"And my parents are at a dinner tomorrow night. We can go back to my place later. They won't be back till midnight."

My stomach does a little somersault.

"Your Highness." Quinton clears his throat softly.

I put my phone away and focus back on the meeting.

The smile on my face is soon wiped when I realize they're only on page 6 of the 32-page folder.

"May I Speak, Infante?" A woman with dark skin, and a stern face asks. "I feel this meeting is incomplete without the delegate from Galfana. We wouldn't want them crying that they're being cheated." Even I know that was a jab.

The man beside her nods. "I agree."

Seb looks around the table. "What are you suggesting? We toss out months of preparations, and put ourselves weeks behind, all because the Minister for Galfana isn't here?"

The woman nods. "That is exactly what I'm saying."

The room is silent as Seb thinks. "The next time we do this, it's over video chat."

Everyone laughs. I think it was supposed to be an inside joke.

"We'll reconvene next Wednesday. If Galfana doesn't send a representative, I'll speak on their behalf. And I may not be feeling favorable that day. Meeting adjourned."

The members stand up, courtesy, and take their leave.

Seb leans back in his chair. His eyes are concentrated on the portrait directly opposite him.

I'm in awe of him. How does he do this every day? The meeting only went on for forty-five minutes and I wanted to fake a tummy ache so I could go home. Seb on the other hand was ready to go for hours.

I think some people are just born with a knack for this stuff. I may be Seb's blood, but I didn't inherit his skill for this job.

"So." I walk up to Seb's chair at the head of the table. "What's next?"

"Next is a late breakfast with the Treasurer. It was supposed to be lunch, but I have time now. You'll love her."

"Will I?"

"Yes, she's the warmest, kindest person you'll ever meet."

I smile. "That sounds nice." Quinton shakes his head at me and I lose my smile. "Funny."

Seb chuckles and leads us back to his office.

Quinton sets up the seating area and runs to get the food.

"Cassandra, you can sit next to her on the sofa?" Seb sits on the armchair to the left.

"Okay. I see you are also weirdly obsessed with seating arrangements."

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