I dress up in a pretty, silver, evening gown for the night.
We all take our seats at the giant table. The head is reserved for Aunt Freya, and the other end for Seb.
I'm seated opposite Kat. I take my seat and am surprised to see who's beside me.
On my left is Liege Parsons, my right, Tristan.
He smiles when he sees me.
"I thought you were seating with your family."
He sighs as he takes the seat. "I was. Your aunt moved me last minute."
His smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. "It's fine. At least we can hate this together."
Liege Parsons clears her throat. "Good evening, Princess Cassandra, Mr. Oisin."
"Liege Parsons, lovely to see you." I smile at her.
She gives us a coy look. "I see the two of you are still... enjoying each other's company."
My smile fluctuates. "We're actually...um, broken up."
Liege Parsons nods. "Oh, my mistake."
I fold my arms on my lap and stare at my plate.
When my aunt and Seb walk in, everyone stands up.
We wait for her to take her seat, before taking ours.
"Welcome, everyone." She greets cheerily. "To a wonderful new year."
We clap. I'm not paying attention and start clapping late.
My aunt shoots a hard smile my way. She then begins her speech. I once again, don't pay attention.
When she's done, the drinks and food are served.
"Good?" Tristan asks halfway through the main course. I don't know if he's talking about me or the food.
I say, "fine," either way.
During dessert, a conversation sparks around me.
"Yes, two days ago." Representative Quartz says two seats away. "They did."
"You can't be serious." Liege Parsons sighs. "How many dead?"
"I heard three." Mr. Whitehall answers. "Some people escaped, they fought their way out. The others weren't so lucky."
Representative Quartz nods his head. "I heard one of the survivors lost his son. Such a shame, in their own home."
My head starts spinning. I grip the table for support. It doesn't work.
I get up and try to gain my balance. With slow and steady steps, I make my way out of the hall.
I walk down the steps, toward an old study.
I cross over the red velvet ropes barricading most of the office.
I open the door behind the desk and step out on the balcony. I briefly admire the view, the palace gardens.
The cool air helps me cool down.
I close my eyes and place my arms on the railing.
"Cass." Tristan opens the door, crosses over the rope, and steps out on the balcony. He closes it behind him.
"You must be freezing." He takes off his suit jacket and drapes it over my shoulder.
"Thanks." I leave my arms on the balcony.
"Sorry, about that. They don't know."
"It's fine. I just needed to leave. It was a mistake coming here."

FantasyEverything in Cassandra's life seems to be getting worse. Her social and political obligations, her relationship with Grey, even her magic is different. If that wasn't enough, Illyria has to deal with the worst Rypper attacks its seen in years. With...