// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕤𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕪-𝕠𝕟𝕖 //

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hiraeth - part sixty-one


       "We'll be back shortly, everyone," Whis said, summoning his staff. Behind him, stood Lord Beerus, Goku, and Y/n. Goku had returned to his happy-go-lucky self after a long rest, however, Y/n had not been so fortunate, still finding herself getting lost in her thoughts for periods of time.

"Good luck, guys, and be careful," Trunks spoke, the darkened look in his bright blue eyes contrasting with the pure white snow surrounding them. Their mission would be no easy feat, going to face whoever Goku Black really was, before switching bodies with Goku. And that was if their theory about it being a body switch was even correct.

Everyone watched with anxious eyes as Whis tapped his staff on the ground, a beam of light surrounding them. And within seconds, they were gone, off to see the Supreme Kai. Trunks stared up at the sky, where they had turned into but a small speck, sighing. After Black's warning about Y/n, Trunks wasn't so sure she should have gone with them, but Whis seemed adamant about it. Trunks felt completely lost about the events of this timeline, both obviously having diverged and gone down completely separate paths.

"Guys! I found it!" Bulma yelled, rushing out into the snow in just her lab coat. Vegeta scoffed, shaking his head as he walked up to her, holding her in his arms for warmth. Trunks smiled at how close the two had become, but Bulma's words caught Trunks off guard, his eyes widening. "I found the other time machine!"

Bulma revealed a small capsule to everyone, Trunks confused as to how she could have gotten a time machine as well, unless she had built her own. Bulma threw down the capsule into the snow, a small explosion of snow revealing a worn down, nearly destroyed time machine.

"This was the one that Cell used way back when. I saved it to take a look at, but never got around to it. It'll definitely need a lot of work, but since I saved my notes from the future, I should be able to get it up and running. I also found out that the fuel it uses is called Blue number 15 Electro-fluid, which I just so happened to be making before you showed up," Bulma explained, examining the time machine and its damage. It was in far worse shape than she remembered, but it was nothing she couldn't fix.

"M-Mom..." Trunks stared up at the time machine, feeling as though Bulma was working miracles for him. Trunks had basically given up after Black destroyed his time machine, feeling stranded and having abandoned his people. But with this, perhaps he could actually go back and just maybe save the Earth. He still had his doubts about Goku, and Trunks could barely look at him sometimes without seeing Black. But if Goku and Vegeta were willing to go to the future to fight with Trunks, then maybe they might stand a chance.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard for killing my wife," Vegeta suddenly said, clenching his fist in anger. Bulma giggled at the man, before shrugging him off and returning the time machine to capsule form.

"Once Y/n gets back, it shouldn't take me long to get the time machine up and running. At the most, it'll be twenty four hours," Bulma said as she put the capsule in her pocket, leading them back inside. "I put some new clothes on your bed for you, Trunks, I can't stand seeing you track dirt all over my house, have somebody wash those for you please. Vegeta and I will be in the restaurant, you know where that's at, right?"

"Y-Yes, I do," Trunks stuttered, looking his tattered clothing up and down. He supposed he probably should take advantage of being in a world that actually had cleaning facilities.

After saying his goodbyes to Bulma for the time being, Trunks had made his way back to his room to clean up and get dressed. Staring at himself in the mirror, Trunks had begun to wish that he could've given other people a chance to live like this. Almost all of his life had been spent in an apocalyptic world, things such as showers and clean clothes being a luxury almost nobody had anymore. The switch between a dark, desolate world filled with doom and death, to a world brimming with life and people was a jarring switch that Trunks could not adjust to. Not to mention, seeing people who he watched die in his time hurt his heart like no other pain. Seeing the bright, smiling face of Mai, knowing what had become of her in the future nearly killed Trunks.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now