Missing Mr. Helsmet

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《In which Tanguish find he is not at home.》


His pulse echoed in his chest, strange new smells hit his nose and he felt his world still spinning.

Tanguish's first coherent thought after waking was; it smells weird. What is Helsknight doing?

Tanguish didn't feel the fabric of the couch, he didn't feel the warmth of hels outside. He jumped up and opened his eyes only to snap them shut again, Bright fluorescent lights shined above him and bounced off the walls.

He opened his eyes again and adjusted to the brightness, he was in a white room. The floors were tiles and the walls were plain.

Tanguish felt cold, below him the floor was slick with ice and frost curled from his breaths. The room felt like a cell of a prison, the front of the room solidified that feeling. Thick bars kept Tanguish in the room, on the other side of the bars was a hallway that was just as blank as the room he was in.

He stood and fumbled over to the bars, looking around still and inspecting the room. He squished his face between the bars. From what he could see there were cells to either side of his own, the hall appeared to go down for quite some time. (Where is he? What happened? Is he still in hels? Does Helsknight know he’s gone?) With that last thought his hairs stood on end and feelings churned in his gut. Most of those feelings were anxiety and confusion, mostly fear though.

He hoped Helsknight was alright. He shivered and rubbed his arms. his vest and pants were missing, the only thing providing him coverage and warmth was a thin plain white shirt and dark shorts. His spines rubbed uncomfortably against the back of the shirt.

He wandered around the room, it was at least a 7 by 7 room with a sad looking bucket in the corner and a red yoga ball, offering a tiny splash of color in the white room.

Each step he took sent out a short wave of frost curling around his feet. He walked around the room in a circle, tail twitching and curling nervously behind him.

Out in the hall he could hear noises of what assumed to be others, screaming and crying to be let free.

Tanguish didn’t like this, he didn’t like this one bit.

The room was too small, it felt like it was getting smaller with every step he took. (why are his feet so cold? Ah, that's why. He’d been pacing for so long there was now a ring of frost where he had stepped. He noted that the pads of his feet were imprinted in the frost, he also noticed that the pads of his feet are very reminiscent of a cat's paw. How had he never really noticed that?) He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

If he keeps up with his spiral then he’s going to have a panic attack, and really that's the last thing he wants right now.

For now he focuses on the noises, trying to ground himself. (not all of them sound humanoid, some sound like bird squawking and others like dog’s bark, or a creeper hiss, the noises of an unhappy enderman. Tanguish wonders if this is why he’s here; he’s humanoid but not entirely human. His eyes are a bright yellow and his legs aren't bent like a normal persons, his ears swivel like a cats, and he has a tail for hels sake! Of course he’s not human! But he’s sentient so that must mean something.)

he’s spooked out of his thoughts as a squeaking noise comes down the hall. He stands still and listens to it. it's a wheel he thinks, one that might have been put on the wrong way and was declaring its issues to whoever was making it move.

He also notices that all the other noises have silence leaving the wheel as the only thing to make noise.

Tanguish watches as a person(?) comes walking down the hall pushing a cart, the person and the cart roll out of view of Tanguish’s cell. The wheel squeaks for a little longer until it abruptly stops, then there’s the noise of a door unlocking and opening, there's a grunt noise and the sound of something heavy being put on the cart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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