The Vampyre Assassinz

584 9 2

Ok, a quick intro to anbody who happened to come across this story.  This is my first published Wattpad story, so I am aware that it may not be the best out there.  Personally, I don't care if it is.  Ok, I do but I'm going to obsess over being the #1 story in the world.....That would be kinda awkward.  All I care is getting this story out in the internet-world and see if it's worth trying to publish in the real-world. 

So, because I'm going to admit, I am a very lazy person.  So is half the world, but hey, I'm admitting it.  Why am I telling you this? You might ask.  I'll answer you.  I have school, so does the larger percentage of people so those of you who are in school, whether it be elementary, middle, junior, high, or college (I hope your not in elementary school caz my mouth is pretty bad and I don't want people's parents messaging me about their kids reading my stories and learning *cough cough* "bad words" *cough cough*. 

Wow, got off on a anyway if you are in school, you know how teachers can be butt-heads and homework can really pile up.  Ok here's a very important tip if you are still reading this: DON'T PROCRASTINATE!!!  So.....yeah...sorry bout that, anyway...I rarely post so don't expect alot from this...Wow, that was really self-encouraging, I should give myself a medal.  That's sarcasm if anyone didn't pick that up.

Yes, so, my personal goal for this story, not very hihg caz, well, I'm not a very optimistic person, so I'd say that if I could reach 700 reads, 177 votes, and 7 comments I'd be really really happy.  Sorry, 7's my favorite number.

Ok, so, if you are still reading this, or just skipped to the bottom waiting for me to shut the ---- up =D, I am.


Jackie ^.^ 

The Vampyre AssassinzWhere stories live. Discover now