Chapter 206: Green is the Color of War

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When Nora saw Alicia sitting on Roel's lap, just a step away from sealing the deal, she felt something snap in her head, releasing a monster sealed in the depths of her mind.

While I was busy dealing with Charlotte, you dared to scheme behind my back to cuckold me?

"Alicia, how dare you!"

Anger had already gotten the better of her rationality, such that her first reaction was to attack. Even while she was still speaking, her wings glowed with incredible radiance before morphing into ten chains that darted toward Alicia like arrows.

Charlotte also made her move. A crisp shattering sound echoed by Roel's side. The bottle that had been constantly by his side over the last few days had broken, releasing her strongest combat weapon—the Golden Soul.

The Golden Soul glowed brilliantly in resonance with its owner's mana and will, swiftly expanding in the air. It wrapped itself around Roel in the shape of a sphere to isolate him away from Alicia. Meanwhile, its owner lightly touched her ring.

"Jewel Trigger!"

With a furious murmur, a magnificent magic tool materialized in Charlotte's hand. The anger burning in her heart was no less than Nora's. If Nora was infuriated at being backstabbed by her 'ally', the reason behind Charlotte's anger would be due to the location of the deed.

This was the Hundred Birds Gallery, her own home. No woman could possibly tolerate being cuckolded in her own home, especially not someone of Charlotte's standing!


The trigger was pulled; a jewel was crushed to bits, conjuring a cold spell within Alicia's body. It swiftly diffused via her blood, leaving her feeling as if she had been plunged into ice. At the same time, the golden chains Nora had summoned were already on the verge of reaching her.

Under Nora and Charlotte's simultaneous assault, Alicia was placed in a very dangerous position. However, what was worthy of note was that even though the two girls were infuriated, they didn't completely lose their rationality. They knew that they couldn't afford to really hurt Alicia—at least not in front of Roel—so they opted for control-type spells instead.

After the chains were shot, Nora didn't follow up with any other spells. Charlotte also lowered her weapon. Their reaction stemmed from the confidence they had in their spells. They were certain that their coordinated offense would be able to take down Alicia without any issues.

For one, Alicia was just an adopted daughter of the Ascart House and didn't inherit the Ascart Bloodline, so others didn't bear much expectation of her. This was further reinforced by her lacking reputation. Putting aside the greater Saint Mesit Theocracy, there was hardly anyone who knew just how strong she was in the Ascart Fiefdom.

While Nora did feel threatened by her rival's growing strength, she had never seen the latter in action before, so she didn't have a clear idea of how powerful she was. As for Charlotte, she didn't even think that Alicia could threaten her at all, and she was convinced that the battle was already decided.

That was why they were going to be surprised.

"You two! How much longer do you intend to stand in the way between Lord Brother and me?"

Under the chilling assault, Alicia's hair began glowing brightly. She glared at the two girls who foiled her plan with crimson eyes filled with wrath as she began chanting softly.

"Spell Dissolution."


The moment Alicia released her spell, a ripple suddenly swept across the room like a breeze, dissipating the chains that were flying toward her as easily as wiping a drawing off a whiteboard. At the same time, the chilling sensation in her body vanished as well. Everything reverted back to normal in an instant.

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