The first meeting

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Becky find herself at Diversity dressed with a tight black dress with Irin and Non, her friends want her not overthink how went the interview that she have this morning.
At the entrance of the club the queue was long so when she saw a woman beautiful sure but rude for passing before everyone she can't help but complain the way the woman dressed scream rich but that doesn't give her the right to behave like she own the world.

So yeah becky have something against the spoiled rich kids. She's currently at the bar drinking a cocktail scanning the crowd with boredom, no-one catch her eyes. Her friend dragged her to the dance floor lightly intoxicated she let the music take control of her body.
She sense eyes on her but she too far gone to care.

Freen at the VIP area is clearly intoxicated along with her friends, they keep trying to drag her to dance with them but she prefer to keep drinking, scanning the area to keep an eye on her friends she spot a brunette girl with beautiful curve, the crowd seems captivated by the girl.
She seems familiar Freen think to herself, for her taste the girl is a little too provocative maybe it's because she's drunk she muse to herself. Her bladder seems full she decided to go to the toilet.
A long queue in front the toilets she wait patiently her turn when someone bump into her and spill their glass on her.

'' Can you pay attention where you go, you ruined my oufit'' she said shortly annoyed, when she finally turn to look at the person who bumped into her she saw the same girl who catches her attention earlier.

''Sorry I don't meant it to that'' becky excuse herself busy trying to clean her mess she didn't look at freen. ''Shit I'm really sorry.'' she add when finally she look at Freen she saw the spoiled girl of earlier.

'' When you know you can't drink don't bother to drink. And you can keep your hand to yourself.'' Freen said coldly, frankly she hates when people are drunk to the point having no control of themselves.

'' Eh i said sorry it's not ...'' freen interrupts rudely becky.

''Cut it I don't want to listen your half ass apologies, I hate when people can control their liquor and ruined ...'' begin but becky was having none of it.

''Pff who do you think you are to speak people like that you're rude and impolite'' now it was becky who interrupt Freen. '' You're a little spoiled brat because you have papa and mama money to throw away that don't give you the right to behave like that!'' Scream becky in her face.
The two girl glares at each other seizing each other.

'' Oh yeah do you know who i'am to speak like that ?''

Mind who passed by see freen screaming try to take her away and excuse herself to becky.
'' She not like that don't mind her'' but Freen seems want to continue the screaming match with becky Mind drag her away by force.
'' Let it go Freen don't cause a scene here you how much news travel fast nowadays , we don't want you to be the headline of some crappy tabloid tomorrow!'' Scold gently Mind , normally freen don't behave like that she doesn't understand why she was yelling at some random girl why the girl did to enraged the girl this much.

Freen decide to go outside to take a breath outside she doesn't understand why she goes ballistic on the girl something about irate her but she can't help to admit to herself that the girl was stunning. It's rare that she smokes bur right know she need a cigarette to calm the rate of her heartbeat and calm her anger. Freen lit up her cigarette when she saw a girl stumbling in front of her and just like that her reflex its to catch the girl.

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