The final proofs

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The ride for freen company was silent it was already the afternoon, freen hold tightly becky hands, like she was afraid the girl would disappear, as for becky she keeps rubbing her thumbs on freen hands like to reassure her that she was here and not going anywhere.

''So freen how the fuck my dad is still alive?'' Becky break the silence, she was persuaded he was dead, that she was never going to see him ever again, so how the fuck that was possible? Freen sighed Becky was in it for a big surprise, she didn't know where to begin.

''It's a little complicated, I don't even know how to started.'' Becky looked at her curiously, freen seems to struggling to answer her, so she concluded that it has more than she was thinking.

''Started by the beginning maybe.'' She stated while shrugging. Freen looked at her and let out a big sigh.

''My parents save him.'' She said shortly, she looked through the window, her mind wandering on what happened earlier, herself she doesn't have all of the answer so how she was supposed to explained, she can't believe that they were still alive after all this years, and they didn't think it was good to let her know, her jaw tighten just thinking of it.

''What the waraha, how did they do that?'' She was shocked she didn't expect that, how did they manage that from new York. Something was not adding up, they were surprised like them when they learned the death of her father, so how? When did they know that he was in danger.

''No, not them it was my biological parents.'' Becky eyes widen, her biological parents but they were supposed to be dead no? If they were alive why did they take freen with them? Why did they let her suffers all these years, her blood boiled at the thought of freen suffering all this years, to learned that they were alive all this time. How fucked up her parents was?

''How are you feeling about that?'' She asked so softly, that if freen wasn't so close she wouldn't heard her.

Freen just shrugged, in reality she didn't have time to process her mind was solely focus on becky, so she didn't really know what she was feeling she just know she was angry on the moment, and that maybe she resent them for abandoning her like that.

''We will talk more when we're alone ok?'' She said softly caressing becky face, she didn't want shut off becky who was melting at her action, a small smile crept into her face when the younger girl just nodded and hugged her waist and put her head on her shoulder, closing her eyes, clearly exhausted.

Engfa who was driving looked at them discreetly, a small smile appears on her face when she saw the two talking, she was glad that freen didn't close her heart completely after what happened, and that becky was here for her, she knew everything would be fine as long becky stay by her side.

Charlotte was having similar thought she was ecstatic that her cousin was fine, she admitted that she was afraid by freen reaction when the latter learned that becky was missing but seeing them now together, how soft and tender freen was with becky, she knew everything would be fine as long the two of the stay together. She can't help but thought about her and engfa, if something similar happened to them she was sure she would react like freen.

She shakes the thought of her mind and take engfa hand on her own, the latter just glance at her and tighten her hold on her hands smiling at her softly like she was telling her everything would be fine.

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