Their past with her

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The following morning the two woman's were entangled with each other when the alarm ring. Becky stirred slowly and takes few minutes to regained her bearing, she feel an hardness against her and unconsciously she rubbed herself against it. Freen groaned lowly feeling the movement on her hard shaft she pulled the source of the friction closer to her.

After that, becky fully wake up tried to wake freen up. ''Freen wake up we have to go working.'' She said softly, the older groaned a no and nuzzling further into her embrace and burrow her face into her neck.
Becky take few minutes just to looked at her, the soft features of the girl in her arms, she was so beautiful in this state, her dark hair spread on the pillows, the little scrunch of her nose when she caress her check, her beautiful plumps pink lips parted slightly, her boss was looking like a angel and not like a cold arrogant bastard, it was like it was two different person, her lower abdomen was feeling weird, maybe she was sick or maybe it's because last night she drink a little too much.
She tried once again to wake freen by shaking her softly when she saw it did nothing she decided to try later, she carefully remove her arm behind her head and goes take a shower she picked some freen clothes to wear, and started to make breakfast in the kitchen.

Freen feel the moment becky get out of the bed but pretend to be asleep, when the younger girl back was facing she glanced at her becky nude form, she looked at her messy hair the angry red marks on her and admired her ass for few minutes and feel her lower part harden, she sigh and burrow her face in becky a deep breathe of the scent of the younger she must learned to control herself but when becky was around she lost all the self control she have.

Few minutes later when becky emerged from the bathroom she pretend once again to be asleep, she keep glancing at her secretly, seeing her in her space strangely wasn't bothering her on the contrary it did something weird in her tummy, she wasn't kidding when she was saying that no-one never been to her place, becky like in her element here rummaging in her closet wearing her clothes she admitted to herself that was a huge turn on for her.

The younger finally dressed left the room, groaning she begin her morning routine, after it was done she decided to look at what becky was up to. The sight that she was greeted to was definitely pleasant, her employee was singing softly to herself, her hips swayed a the rhythm of the music she was humming softly while making the breakfast in her clothes for few brief seconds she tells to herself that she could use to that sight every morning. She shakes her head what nonsense was she thinking about.

She greeted becky with a soft good morning and they take their breakfast in silence. Once again they arrived at freen enterprise together and the gossips continue but they didn't care and maybe the poorly hidden hickeys wasn't helping them this time. Like a mutual understandings they didn't talk about the night before, and work together like always.

Later that morning becky was still into the hacker while freen try to find who start the rumors about her.

''Miss I have something about the hacker they come from Nita enterprise.'' Becky said finally she find the culprit, but the crestfallen look of freen face was making her worried.

''Are you sure Miss Armstrong?'' She asked shocked at the news. No it can't be she tell to herself she can't possibly betrayed me freen thought to herself.

''Hmm yeah, i can rerun one more time the program but it was definitely coming from here.'' She said confused, she was sure the result were correct why her was so shaken up.
'' Are you absolutely sure?'' She asked once again, she can't believe this. ''I hope for you you didn't make a mistake miss Armstrong it could seriously damage this company if you're wrong.'' And broke a friendship she added mentally.

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