"Little" feelings + Play

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I'M ALIVE also eating a Swiss cheese flavored chips :3 Also sorry guys for not updating I've been dealing with school and.. the coldness of this month BECAUSE IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS 🎄🎄🎄⛄  the time just flies so fast it feels like we just started 2023 but in just 2 months it's gonna be 2024 👁️👄👁️ all I can say is.. SHEESH

Third Person POV

Few months later.

Swiss and Sodo seemed like hanging out more often these days.

They can rest or do anything they want who knows what it is since it's their time so who cares.

The two chaotic ghouls walked around the mall while talking about random things.

Sodo started to get weird feeling everything he's around the multi ghoul he doesn't know why or how did it happened.

He just ignored it and tried to act calm while talking to him,but not or never Swiss always notices it since they'd been both friends since High school and ofcourse after a long friendship Swiss knew Sodo from head to toe and from his inside and outside.

They got passed by a plushie store Which caught the fire ghoul's attention.

He was a fire plush (Bc I've been seeing baphomet plush a lot so I wanna change it :3)

He quickly grabbed Swiss inside the store and started exploring. "Whoa, what gotten ya attention?" The multi ghoul chuckled.

"Can we buy a plush?" Sodo asked as he tilted his head slightly on the side while looking at Swiss.

"I do you know what did you eat to ask that but alright." Swiss answered with a shrug in the end.

Sodo was only wanting to buy the fire plush but a lot of other plush caught his attention.

They went for a fire plush to go out with a LOT of plushies maybe it was 4 or 6? Who knows.

Swiss looked at the recipt while walking out. ".. You spent 63.6 dollars for plushies?" Swiss said both surprised and confused.

"No you did cause you're the one who paid." The fuel ghoul replied with a giggle.

The multi ghoul chuckled quietly as he saw Sodo's childlish personality is on.

Soon they stopped at a restaurant to eat since they'd been exploring endless.

--after eating--

They're both full and decided to buy some for the others for dinner so Cirrus and Copia won't cook anymore.

It was 5:42 PM when they got home all the ghouls and ghoulettes quickly stole the food and ate them.

"Are you guys some kind of wolves? Did you guys even ate?" Swiss chuckled as he put the drinks on the table.

"No! Cirrus we're a meeting with papa and neither of us don't want to cook so.." Phantom said while chewing his food.

"Oh, that's why." Sodo chuckled as he sat on the floor while eating his chocolate ice cream.

"I thought you're a fire ghoul?" Swiss said sitting next to him.

The others we're not paying attention since.. yeah they're Being wolves that didn't ate for a decade.

"Uh idk, I just love it." The fire ghoul said awkwardly.

Swiss chuckled and ate his own fries.

The next day

It was 8 am

All the ghouls and ghoulettes we're in the common room except Sodo yeah he's still dead asleep.

Cirrus and Copia was making breakfast for everyone.

Few minutes later Sodo went downstairs.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Mountain greeted as the fire ghoul sat next to him.

"Morning..." Sodo replied in a sleepy voice as he yawned.

"AHHHH! SWISS YOU LITTLE-" A scream from the kitchen was heard.

Rain and Mountain quickly went to the kitchen to see... A disaster.

Flour was all over the place..
And.. the oven had a bit fire where Cirrus quickly washed with a whole bucket of water.

"What in the power of earth happened here.." Mountain said. "Ya.. another disaster.. ofcourse every month." Rain sighed as he went back to the common room as the earth ghoul followed him.

"Swiss, you're in big trouble!" Cirrus said.

--2 months later after the kitchen disaster--

Sodo is always having butterflies inside his every time he's around Swiss.

"Uh... Wait a minute I'll just.. uh go to the bathroom." Sodo said awkwardly before going to the bathroom.

He started to think himself.. what is this feeling? Do I like Swiss? No no! Ofcourse not.. I'm not gay.. right..?

The fire ghoul was cutted off his thoughts as someone knocked on the the door. Swiss

"Sodo? Are you alright there?" Swiss asked with a soft voice but also a hint of concern.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine just give me a minute." Sodo replied with the same awkward voice earlier.

"You said a minute but you've been there for 10 minutes." Swiss replied.

Sodo sighed before opening the door and looked up at him.

"What happened are you alright?" Swiss asked as he pulled the small ghoul to a hug.

"Yeah just overthinking.. I'm fine." Sodo said hugging him back.

"Now c'mon let's go back." Swiss said leading the fire ghoul back to the common room as they continued talking.

(Litteraly writing this while I'm in the Jeep👍 it's driving so fast my soul is gonna leave my body 👁️👄👁️)

--2 days later--
( A lot of time skips I know I just don't know what to write but I wanna write a chapter for y'all ✨)

One day Copia decided to take the ghouls and ghoulettes in a carnival.

(Just act like no one is gonna notice them 🤭)

They're parted at teams.

Swiss, Sodo and Rain.

Mountain Phantom and Copia.

And the Ghoulettes aka Cirrus. Cumulus and Aurora.

"So what do you guys want to start?" Swiss said with a grin looking excited.

"I'm up for the ferris wheel." Rain said.

"Same!" The fire ghoul followed.

They all went to the ferris wheel and because one place is 4 people they had a stranger beside Rain.

The ghoulettes then played some games there's also a claw machine where Aurora got an Hello Kitty plush!

With Mountain, Phantom and Copia they ride a.. idk what's it's called but it's like a boat that swings higher every 2 minutes.

They sure had fun

1039 words

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