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Y/N rubbed her eyes as she stared at the emergency task that popped up on her phone screen. A late-night errand with Max Verstappen? She couldn't help but wonder what this was all about. Nevertheless, she quickly pulled herself together, fixed up her hair on a soft messy bun [cliche alert], her favorite leather jacket and a pair of bell bottomed jeans with some simple sneakers. Y/N then made her way to the designated meeting spot, her head spinning with doubt, maybe she did something wrong, maybe she overstepped a bit with the bickering... maybe he already knows about Christian Horner?

As Y/N approached the rendezvous point, she spotted Max leaning against his car, looking every bit the determined race car driver he was known to be. His intense gaze softened as he saw Y/N approaching. "Hey, Y/N," he greeted, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Hey, Max," Y/N replied, returning his smile. "So, what's the urgent errand all about?"

Max sighed, running a hand through his tousled hair. "It's personal, but I trust you, Christian trusts you, so so do I," he said, his voice betraying a vulnerability he rarely showed. "I just needed someone to talk to, and you-." He paused as if words ran out of his mouth.

Y/N nodded understandingly, feeling a surge of gratitude that Max had chosen her to confide in. "Don't worry this is my job remember? I'll help you not matter what," she assured him.

Max's eyes softened, a flicker of relief crossing his face. "I'm glad," he said softly. "Come on, let's go for a drive. There's this 24/7 pizza shop nearby. I could use something to eat."

Y/N couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat.
"Sure thing, but Max... uh never mind." She said

This spontaneous adventure with Max in the middle of the night felt thrilling and exhilarating. They hopped into the car, the engine roaring to life as Max sped through the empty streets.

The pizza shop was dimly lit, but the smell of freshly baked dough was heavenly. They picked a booth at the back, away from prying eyes and sat down across from each other. As Max took a bite of his pizza, Y/N couldn't help but admire how focused and intense he looked, even while eating.

Between bites, Max broke the silence softly, "You know my father, he can say some bad things sometimes, he can even say some outrageous things and he is just kind of... well", he looked down ashamed, maybe of his father's reputation, or maybe because he's always tangled with his actions.

Y/N listened intently, "Don't worry Max, what ever happened, I can try and fix it, I've studied and practice Public Relations management since I work in indie car, I know It can be harsh out there,"
She couldn't help but be drawn to his vulnerability, their friendship might be growing stronger with each passing moment.

As the night went on, Max explained his dad was involved in a distasteful interview where he discussed Lewis Hamilton and other rookies future in the F1, looks like the magazine interviewed Jos and hit on the right trigger every time, making him say every kind of disrespect commentary on the process. "I can't let them get away with it Y/N, I know...Weet ik, Weet ik, he's like this, it's his fault, it's his responsibility but he's hurting people..." Max's deep blue eyes looked foggy, he looked rather tired. But the good thing it was that the article wasn't out yet.
"You care...", Y/N said as Max looked up, soothed by her words... "You care and that's important, if the article isn't out yet then we have time, I'll try to get in contact with the publisher, just give me the name, you never know when you'll need the help of a friend of a friend" , she smiled softly, Max took his phone out without any doubts and gave the name and address of the publisher to the red head.
Y/N wrote everything she could on her phone, but before putting it away the Dutch grabbed the hand she was holding her phone with, a rush down her spine as his weirdly cold hands touched hers... "Give me your actual phone number, I don't think it'll be convenient to use our work phones for this.",
Y/N agreed and that was that.

Y/N found herself really comfortable with Max after that, a playful glint in her eyes. She found herself laughing at his jokes and leaning in closer whenever he spoke, enjoying the undeniable chemistry between them.

Max matched her playful banter, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of his lips. There was a delicate dance of words, a hidden subtext in their conversation. It was as if this late-night escapade had deepened their connection, blooming into something more than just working mates.

They didn't notice the time flying by as they shared their stories under the glow of the pizza shop's neon lights. It was a night of laughter, stolen glances, and a growing bond that neither of them could deny.

Eventually, they finished their pizzas and reluctantly emerged from their cozy haven. But as they stepped back into the car, there was a newfound warmth and understanding between Y/N and Max, a connection that now extended beyond the racetrack.

As Max drove Y/N back home, a comfortable silence settled between them. They exchanged knowing glances, their hearts a little lighter, and their friendship stronger than ever before.

Little did they know that this late-night adventure had marked the beginning of an even greater chapter in their lives - where friendship blossomed into something more, where late-night drives and pizza shops would forever be remembered as the start of a complicated but passionate story.

And with that, Y/N and Max Verstappen headed home, the redhead got into her house after signaling her goodbyes. She rushed to put on her comfy pajamas, right before going to sleep she received a message from an unknown phone number.
"You can take Monday off, sorry for keeping you out that late, GN"
It was him, Y/N sighed in relief as she put her phone down and prepared to sleep, this was going to be a hard week...

AND SHE DIDNT EVEN DISCUSS THE PAY... that'll be a problem for future her.

THE INTERN (A Lestappen x Y/n Rivalry) Where stories live. Discover now