Marriage Proposal?

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Devi was walking on a road.She didn't know where she is going. She was just walking.But then she saw a telephone booth.She walk towards it.Dialing a number she called someone.Soon the person picked her call.

Devi wasn't able to handle so she burst out and start crying.
Ira:Devi?What happened?From where you are calling?
Devi:I need you Ira please come here.
Ira:Ok where are you tell me I'm coming there don't go from there.

Devi hummed.
She put the phone back and payed the cost.She walk towards a bench nearby and sat down.

After sometime.

Devi feel a hand placed on her shoulder.She looked at the person as soon as she saw the person she hugged the person.And start crying like a baby.

Ira start to caress her back.
Ira:It's ok.Calm down.Calm down.
After sometime when Devi calm a bit down.
Ira:Ok now spill the coffee Sweety.
(It's there brocode they always talk like this)

Devi:Today when I was going to university.


Devi was getting ready for college when her dad who was sitting on dinner table called her.
[Devi's father is Anil Deshmukh
Devi's mother is Suman Deshmukh]

Anil:Come here Devi.
Devi know her dad is a short tempered man so without questioning him she always obey him.She walked toward the dinning table.

Anil:I want to talk about something.
Devi furrowed because never in her life her father called her to talk.
They never had a sweet relation between them.Devi was always scared of her dad.

Devi:Yes dad.
Dad:from now you are not going anywhere.
She said in low voice.She never raise her voice in front of her dad.
Anil:We have fixed your marriage so from now you will not study more.

Devi's eyes widen.
Anil:What happened?What else you except?We have educated you till now.
Devi:But dad.I don't want to get marry this early.I want to graduate first.
Anil:Who will pay.We have educated you enough now no more discussion

Devi:How can you do this dad.
Devi's eyes filled with tears.Her dream broke with in a second.
Suman:Devi this is how you talk to elders.Go to your room.
But Devi ignored her mom picking her bag she went out from her house.

Flashback end

Devi:What should I do now Ira?
Ira:Calm down.
Devi:How can I when......
Ira:Debo look at me.
Devi looked at Ira.
Ira:I'm always with you never forget it ok?And second thing you have to stay strong.We will  find a solution.
Devi:But how we don't have time.

Ira:First go to your dad and try to convince him.
Devi:He will not you don't know him.
Ira:First go to your house and get information about everything and tell me I'll try to do something.
Devi:But he won't allow me to meet you.
Ira:I have solution for that call me from your mom's phone.

Ira:Behave normal and pretend that you are ready hmm?
Both hugged each other and saying goodbye Devi went from there.

Ira:I won't let anyone spoil your life debo.


What will Ira do?
Will Devi leave her education?
Who is marrying Devi?

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