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⚠️: panic attack

Steve pov.:

I wake up from the sun rising into me eyes. When I opened my eyes I didn't see Bucky anywhere. That's odd... Even when he wakes up before me he usually is still in bed reading a book or something.

After some time of thinking I got up and went out of our bedroom. It was quite.. too quite. I started panicking a little bit as I went to the living room / kitchen area. No one was there.

- Bucky? - I ask'd as my voice sounded a little bit shaky. No answer.

- Bucky?! - I tried again louder. No responds.

I saw a piece of paper on the kitchen counter. I went closer and grab it.
It said: I'm sorry Steve. I love you remember that. Goodbye. - Bucky.

At that point I didn't control my body anymore. I sat on the floor and just cry'd. He left.. again.

Then suddenly I heard a voice.

- Steve?

- Steve?!

- Stevie what happened?

- Stevie!

I couldn't say anything.. I try'd but every time I try'd noting came out..

Then suddenly I shot up. I couldn't catch my breath.

- Stevie? Hey can you hear me? What happened? Did you have a bad dream? - someone said but my vision was too blurry and there voice sounded so not realistic.

Then they took my arm and but it on there chest on the heart. And there hand when't on my heart.

- Stevie can you breath with me? - that person ask's.

I tried and after a few seconds it worked.

- Yes good job Stevie. - then I saw it. The person.. it was Bucky..

- B-bucky..? - I said slightly whispering.

- Yes that's me. - he smiled. But soon that smile turned into a worried look.

- Are you okey..? - he ask's. Then it came to me. I was crying. I try'd to wipe them but I couldn't stop crying. Then he just hug me and I hugged him back.

- J-just.. p-please do-don't.. l-live me.. - I said whit me voice breaking. Trying not to cry harder.

- Aww.. Stevie I would never do that again.. is that what your nightmare was about? - he ask's. And I just nod I was too tired to say anything.

I closed my eyes, half asleep I felt like someone was lying me down and then hugging me.

- I love you. - he whispered softly.

- I love you too.. - I whispered back. And then fall asleep.

A/N: Hii welcome to the first chapter of "stucky Oneshots„ I'm really excited for this. Hope you like it please comment and leave a ⭐ ^-^

Hope to see you again in the future chapter's <3

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