A Fusion

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Behind her was this dark room barely visible with several different useful items which you would see in one of those horror movies in hospitals. It was weird to know a lot of those props are real things that can help real people with physical problems when they're used in a movie to beaat someone to death in the head. 

"Follow me, we're going into this room behind me" she said. "I'm Maria Steinford" she continued "we are here to proceed into the manual human-robot hybrid fusion". She explained how we would be put to sleep so it wouldn't hurt one bit. Still I would hate to be called first or even last maybe somewhere near the back of the middle would be good, it would leave me much more unnoticed and people wouldn't care as much. I looked into the glass wondering what all those machines could possible do to make us hybrids. 

This Kalone Makiswiski guy got called first, he was pretty big but in the fat kind of way. He stepped into this chamber where he was put to sleep. Then he entered the contraption where I saw things that I never thought I would see in my life. I saw all the metal arms and such go to work making different parts and sticking them on to him carefully dissecting him and then quickly putting parts on so that he can live. It was hard to look at but it seemed to be a process of taking all the flesh out and adding robot parts in, important organs and muscles stayed. I guess it's because without muscles humans wouldn't be able to push their limits and improve but I'm just a kid so my guess is just as good as anyone else's.  I noticed as time went on that different people with different body shapes got their body changed differently. Fatter bodies seemed to get much less replacements mean while people who were super skinny were stuck in there for what seemed like forever.

I knew as the skinniest of the bunch that I would probably take the longest which would be irritating for the others but would be good for me because I don't really have to wait if I'm unconscious. I finally get called into the chamber, it was weird in there I couldn't see a thing meanwhile the kids could see me, it felt weird why would it not be the other way around? No kid would want to see another kids insides, if it was for a short moment. I could feel the gas pour in as I slowly grew weaker I felt like there was something off almost as if that the gas wasn't just putting me to sleep but in a way changing me I shake a bit and suddenly the feeling gets of. I mouthed shake the feeling of to Leroy and Kinie who I knew were standing in an isolated part from the crowd to the right. I knew they would be confused but as soon as they got in this chamber they would understand. Suddenly, I'm in a robot body. "Hello Espa" a voice said, "I am your inner monologue." It explained to me how it worked, if someone didn't have an inner monologue that person would just have a fresh A.I but for people with inner monologues they would get it copied into the A.I. It was really interesting exploring what it could do because it was basically another being that is still technically a part of me. I watched all the others and Kinie and Leroy both shake the weak feeling off but the others seem to just trust the process.

After everyone else finished the process, they led us to a room where we would be collected, at the moment we all live in the same hotel, but it was more like a big building filled with mansions. I didn't know what to do for the rest of the day so I just looked around and wondered according to my 'Inner Monologue' I have barely travelled through most of the hotel even though I had been walking for hours. I went back to sleep exhausted but excited for the many programs that were on inside of the hotel. I couldn't wait to try one of them.

I couldn't think much about it though as my eyes grew heavy and my muscles relaxed, I drifted off in a sleep with one last thing in mind. My grandpa and war.

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