•the next morning•

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There was a knock on the door.
Someone was knocking on the door.
Travis groaned, before Taylor realised she was curled up beside him. Asleep on his arm, his other arm over her, cocooning her from the world outside. It felt good and right and like they'd been made to be with each other. Like perfect puzzle pieces.
"Oh my god, it's my family... I forgot I said that we'd have breakfast together." He sounded mortified- absolutely taken aback by the fact he'd forgotten.
Taylor was suddenly wide awake, sitting upright in bed. She was brushing her hair out of her eyes, the moment of comfort gone.
"What?" She rubbed her eyes. "Travis, I don't even have other clothes or-"
Travis climbed out of bed, running his hands over his head. "I'll tell them to leave, it's fine. He's my brother, he has to forgive me." He shrugged, reaching for his phone.
"What, no!" Taylor stood up. "Throw on a tshirt and you go down there!"
"But I wanted to spend this morning with you! Just you -"
"Clearly I can't just pretend I don't exist, so you'll still get to spend this morning with me," she laughed. "Just give me ten minutes to make myself a little more presentable. I'd love to meet your family. But I can also jump out the window and flee into the morning if that's what you'd rather."
"I would love for you to meet them, Taylor. But this is also incredibly short notice and I know that's a shitty thing to expect of you. I mean, fuck - we literally just met in person yesterday? And now you're brunching with my family?"
Travis put on a t-shirt and shorts, kissed her forehead and apologised before he fled downstairs. Taylor laughed, shaking her head. Here she was, in Travis Kelce's bedroom. Throwing on yesterday's clothes... she sighed. It had been the best nights sleep she'd had in years, and she didn't know why.
Throwing on her bra, a little disappointed that she had to part ways with his shirt, she got dressed.

She could hear kids laughing, could hear Travis greeting his family. She didn't even know his family - she'd been talking to him for nine days and they'd already slept together and she was meeting his parents. Abigail was going to laugh when she told her about it.
She found some old mascara in the bottom of her handbag and some lip balm... it would have to do. She didn't have anything else with her in here - and that made her stressed. How was she supposed to meet his family wearing a wrinkled sweatshirt and no makeup? Her hair was frizzy, and she knew that a hairbrush would only make things worse. She didn't have a comb or any of her hair products - it was a mess. Wetting her hands, she tried to tame it a little by running her fingertips through the ends of it. Sometimes, wetting it made it less frizzy and more workable... but she definitely figured they'd all think she'd just climbed out of bed from having sex with Travis. She ran her hands down her face - her hair practically dripping. She searched the bathroom cupboards and finally found a comb. She didn't care whose it was or how it got there - she just combed it through her hair. Relief flooded her chest when finally, the curls were tamed.

Travis said he liked her curls, so she didn't tie it up - even though that's what she wanted. She wanted to tie it up and hide them away... but he'd told her that he liked them.
She was meeting his family. How had he forgotten that he was having breakfast with them? Taylor sighed, feeling like she looked like a nightmare.
"Taylor?" Travis called out from his bedroom.
"I don't think I should go down there..." Taylor nervously bit her lip. "I don't even look presentable."
Travis cupped her cheeks, looking down at her.
"You look beautiful." He kissed her. "My family already knows you're here, and they want to meet you."
"Do they know we've only been talking for nine days?" Taylor hissed, panicking. "Oh my god, they are definitely going to know we had sex. My hair is a mess, Travis."
He shook his head. "My Mom is down there making breakfast as we speak. You look beautiful and your hair is perfect, and no, they won't be able to tell we had the best sex of our lives last night." He chuckled, and even Taylor couldn't help but let out a laugh as she nodded. "I'm sorry I've put you in this position. If you want to just... stay up here, or if you want to just walk out the door right now... or if you want to say hello and then leave, you're more than welcome to do so."
Taylor shook her head. "If you're sure I wouldn't be intruding... I mean..."
"I want you to meet them. I think you'll like my Mom. From what I hear... I think my family is a lot like yours." He told her. "My brother and his wife brought the kids, so if it's that bad, I can do you up a plate at the girls table. Because I'm sure they'll insist that you're a princess, anyway."
Taylor laughed. "Okay. Lead the way."
Travis took her hand and bought it to his lips.
"I promise they're not as scary as you think."

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