•the nashville trip•

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"To see the slow-motion chest bumps, to see the high-fives with Mom, to see how Chiefs Kingdom was all excited that she was there - that shit was absolutely hysterical. It's definitely a game I'll remember, that's for damn sure."

Taylor didn't know how Travis always said the right things. Just enough detail, with just enough of a beaming smile, to leave people questioning whether there was something going on, while simultaneously making them doubt it. She'd been in Kansas City again last weekend for another Chiefs game - and now she was in Nashville for two days before she'd go back to Kansas City for Travis' birthday. It was so weird to be flying and travelling to such an extent again - it felt like years since she'd had the freedom to just... go where she was needed.
"Taylor?" Her Mom called out from the kitchen. "Why is there a tall, handsome stranger standing on the front porch?" Taylor practically kept up off the couch, and went over to the front door. It had been four days since she'd seen him face to face, and that felt like too long. It felt like she loved him too much to be apart, even for a few days.
"Trav?! I didn't know you were coming!" She threw her arms around his neck and he swayed from side to side.
"It's just until midday tomorrow, because I have to be back for practice. But your dad invited me, he said he wanted a chance to get to know me properly, not just at the Eras tour." He kissed Taylor's forehead. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," she told him, and she relaxed into him.
She'd never actually fallen in love as quickly as she had with Travis. She'd never wanted to be with a person all the time like she'd found herself feeling with Travis. And the fact that her dad had been the one to invite him?
"Taylor, are you going to invite him in or is he going to have to stay on the porch," she heard her mother laugh from the kitchen. "Poor Travis."
Taylor smirked, pulling away. But Travis insisted on kissing her one last time before she led him inside.
"Good morning Mr and Mrs Swift," Travis greeted her parents. She felt like a teenager - felt like she was introducing her parents to her boyfriend for the first time.
"Travis, honey, we've told you that we're on first name basis now!" Andrea grinned. They'd spent quite a bit of time together, but Travis still insisted on the formalities.
Travis nodded, and Taylor wrapped her arms around him.
"We were going to bring coffee home but the line was too long. Besides, people would really guess something was up if they walked into a Starbucks in Nashville and saw Travis Kelce." Scott chuckled. "Besides, he wanted to see you," he winked at his daughter.
"Dad," Taylor laughed, rolling her eyes.
"What?" Scott shrugged. "It's nice to see the two of you in love."
"Alright," Taylor laughed. "Trav, let's go and put your bag upstairs."

Taylor slipped Travis upstairs into the room she was staying in.
"Please tell me that my dad didn't say anything incredibly embarrassing the moment you got into his car," Taylor told him with a smile. She sat down on the bed - her suitcase a mess at the end of it. She was also annoyed because she hadn't even brought any of her nice clothes with her because she'd not been expecting to see Travis until his birthday.
"I can't say too much," Travis told her as he put down his bag at the end of the bed beside hers. "But I hope I'm not intruding. Your dad texted me a few days ago and wanted to know if I'd like to come and stay with you all for a day or so." He turned to face Taylor. She was leaning against the door, watching him with an enchanting haze in her eyes. She'd never get tired of watching him.
"Of course not! It's been the best surprise ever," she told him, stepping forward to kiss him. "I mean, because it's my parents house we're a bit limited by the sort of fun we can have," she smirked. "But still. How was your week? I mean, I know we literally talked every day but still."
"Every time I saw a message from you my face lit up," He told her softly, playing with her hair. "As if I was going to turn down the opportunity to see you in person," he told her warmly.

Taylor was sitting with her legs dangling in the pool beside her Mom. Scott had wanted to show Travis his new lawnmower (the fancy ride on kind) and the two women were watching them closely.
"So, how's it going..." Andrea nudged her daughter playfully. Taylor felt her cheeks turn scarlet as she smiled.
"It's going really really well, Mom." Taylor leaned her head on her Mom's shoulder. "I really like him."
"It takes a special kind of guy to listen to your Dad talk about his lawnmower for half an hour," Andrea laughed.
"I guess I got really worried after Joe - that maybe I wouldn't find someone ever again. It's stupid, I know. But six years is a long time to be with someone and have it fall apart." Taylor sighed. "Trav is just... sometimes it doesn't seem real. Things have been moving relatively fast but it feels good, Mom. Really, really good. He's going to come to Argentina when he has the time."
Andrea reached out and took her daughter's hand in her own.
"I'm really happy for you, baby." Andrea squeezed her hand. "Sometimes things move fast for a reason," she told her. "Although, thirteen year old Taylor would be shocked to know that thirty three year old Taylor is dating one of the biggest football players in the world. I can't even remember how many days you hopped off that school bus complaining about them." Andrea laughed, and Taylor glanced over at Travis. Travis was now sitting on the lawnmower, and waved over at her. Taylor waved back, unable to stop the butterflies in her stomach.
"I can see why you like him," Andrea admitted. "He certainly is quite captivating."
"You'll like his family, too. His Mom reminds me a lot of you, actually."
"Does she?" Andrea smiled. "Well, I do think it's a good thing that they're so close as a family. It's like us." Andrea turned to face her daughter. "Have you guys talked about how things will work on Tour?"
"A little," she told her Mom. "It's kind of unfolded at the busiest time possible for us both. I mean, it doesn't matter too much - I guess. I just think it's so weird after so many years of hiding away." Taylor sighed, her smile fading. "I thought I liked it," she paused, hearing Travis's laugh from across the yard. "I think it might have been what I needed at the time, but... I don't know. Sometimes I'm still annoyed that I wasted so much time with someone who just... turned out to be like the rest of them."
"Taylor," Andrea took her daughter's hand in her own. "You didn't waste time with him. He was what you needed in that point in your life. He was what you needed until you didn't need him anymore. Joe couldn't love you at your best, honey. But you had to love him in order for things to fall in line for Travis."
"He's not scared of me being at my best," Taylor couldn't help but grin. "He's not scared of it at all."
"You're an amazing person, honey. It's nice to see you with someone who realises just how phenomenal you are. He's not what I expected when you told me it was him - your dad was quite excited, you know." Andrea nudged her.
"Oh my god," she could hear Travis laughing. "Tay! This is so fun!" He chuckled, waving over to her.

Travis Kelce was a man of simple pleasures, and fuck, did Taylor absolutely love that about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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