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You were riding your bike, side by side, with your little cousin. (One year apart) It was a silent ride to the gas station, until you guys heard a rev. Both of you were popular in town, for being the only two bikers, everyone knew y'all. Although the fame was all good, it did get boring not being to rev or communicate with other bikers. Since, you both were used to it in the city before moving here. That was until today, you both heard a rev. You guys never rev (for communication purposes), it comes with being the only two bikers and never being far from each other. You guys turned your head to the sound.

There it was, a biker. They were waving, you both excitedly waved back, you guys went to go rev. Before you could do that, he tapped his helmet, alerting you both there was a cop car. You both nodded and decided to send a heart sign above your heads toward him. Unfortunately, his red light turned green before y'all's, he drove off waving bye. Y'all waved back, your cousin nudged you. Whispering; "he's fine." You nodded mischievously, you replied; "I wouldn't mind being his backpack." She laughed, kind of like scooby, she dared to yell that at him.

Your daring self agreed and as he drove away, you yelled; "If you ever need a backpack, hit me up!" He looked back. He actually heard! You turned away and looked at your cousin with tears in your eyes and start crying and whining about how embarrassing that was, as your little cousin, Kathy, just laughed. "Kathy! If he thinks I'm a weirdo, I'll kill you!" She just replied; "Oops..?" and continued laughing as the red turned green and y'all drove.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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