Chapter 15 (features the 1k special!)

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"Gift?" (Y/n) smiled, but inside she was panicking.

'He isn't gonna give me a corpse , is he?'

"Yup! But you need to close your eyes first!" Tsukasa replied, and (y/n) shivered as she closed her eyes , bracing herself for a dead body.

Something cold touched her cheek.

The (e/c) eyed girl flushed a deep shade of red, jumping back in surprise.

He kissed her.

"That's your gift!" He smiled a childish smile and floated behind (y/n) , grabbing onto her.

'The psychopath of tbhk just DID WHAT NOW? SO EMBARRISINGGGG! Oh yeah, I forgot... THAT HE IS A FREAKING PSYCHOPATH!?' (Y/n) covered her red face and crawled into a ball, contemplating why God hadn't let her pass away peacefully.

On the other hand, the boy was ecstatic, wanting to do it again... and again... and again...

Forever and ever.


Tsukasa gently pulled away (y/n)'s hands as she continued to go into an endless loop of freaking out, trying to jump out of Tsukasa's arms... I mean who wouldn't.

 (I know you wouldn't, Little miss Tsukasa Lover)

"(Y/n)?" Sakura asked, genuinely concerned. (Y/n) leapt behind her and pointed a finger at tsukasa, still looking like a tomato. 

"Wh-where did that come from?!" She used her other hand to cover where Tsukasa had kissed her and tried to use poor Sakura , who was caught in between, as a shield.

"Ha! Your reaction was priceless!" He giggled and (y/n) ran out of the clubroom.

"Huh?" Sakura looked disappointed, (y/n) was the only one who talked any sense, after all.

"Where is she going?"


/*From this life to the next*/ Isekai fem reader x Yandere tbhkWhere stories live. Discover now