Chapter 20

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"I'll see you tomorrow then," (y/n) told Aoi as she finally ended the call.

"See you!" Aoi smiled.

(Y/n) threw herself back on to her bed , exhausted.

"Who would have thought accompanying a psycho ghost everyday after school would be so exhausting.." she mumbled.

Time skip-

"Morning Aoi!" (Y/n) greeted Aoi , slightly less exhausted then yesterday.

"Morning (y/n)-chan!" Aoi turned around from talking to Akane.

"This is Akane-kun!" Aoi introduced Akane, who stood there shocked.

'She is so...


Akane blushed slightly and looked away, as Yashiro came into the room.

"(N/n)-chan! There is something we want to talk to you about after school!" Yashiro gave a determined face as she held (y/n)'s hands.

"Well..." (y/n) considered her choices.

One. Reject and hang out with one of the most dangerous characters in tbhk.

Two. Accept and hang out with the cinammon roll Yashiro Nene.

'Easy choice.'

"Of course I will!" (Y/n) pulled out her phone. " let me tell my club that I will be absent," 

(Y/n) pulled up Sakuras contact and texted her:

'I won't be there this afternoon for broadcasting club, see you soon!' 

(Y/n) put her phone away as Hanako came up from behind her.



Totally didn't nearly forget to write this chapter 😅

/*From this life to the next*/ Isekai fem reader x Yandere tbhkWhere stories live. Discover now