smoochy smoochy -12

109 4 4

Schneider POV


I was surprised to see Y/n standing at the doorway of the studio looking at me, I tried to wipe away all my tears and stuff but I could immediately tell that she knew I was crying and that I was upset.

"Are you okay Schneider?"

She walked up to me and sat down on the floor with me looking at me, I wasn't okay I definitely wasn't okay but I felt like if I told her that she'd ask me why and if she asked me why then I'd have to tell her how much I actually care about her.

"Yeah I'm okay thanks for asking I'm just a little upset about something"

She stared at me she didn't seem mad or annoyed she just seemed like she felt sorry for me. Then I heard the words that I never thought I'd hear from her and the words that kind of made me feel annoyed at all of her but I guess I should thank him for telling her instead of me having to tell her.

"Oliver told me you have a crush on me, is this what this is all about?"

I was surprised that Oliver would tell her that I had a crush on her and that he wouldn't just take her for himself, but I'm happy that he did that and I thank him for doing that for me.

"...... I'm sorry Y/n. I'm so sorry that I do, I love you so much honestly, every time I see you we just brings a smile to my face and please don't think I'm creepy but honestly as soon as you walk into the room I just instantly feel better and I try not to stare at you but I know I do"

"I think you're very nice too, you do make me happy a lot"

Look at her and she looked at me I was trying to keep myself from thinking weird thoughts but we're both in a room together sitting on the floor by ourselves, what the hell do you expect from me, I'm a guy.

She made a little bit closer to me and I scooched next to her.

Oh God what if I make uncomfortable, what if I scared her away from me, what if she actually does go after Oliver and completely ignores me.

"Can I kiss you?"

I turn to her surprised. And she asks again.

"Schneider, can I please kiss you?"

I look into her eyes.

"......of course"

And with that we immediately started kissing, I've never felt so great before. I have a beautiful woman that I love sitting right next to me and I'm kissing her.

Her hands go to my face that she holds my cheek while still kissing me.

The kiss turns into a little bit more than a kiss. I bring my hands to her waist and hold her waist as her tongue slips into my mouth.

I moaned slightly before we heard a door in the building open and close loudly.

I quickly pushed her off me and we both stood up and she sat in a chair across the room playing on her phone while I sat in a chair at the front of the studio messing around with one of our song demos.

We did this to make it look like we weren't just making out and we did it just in time because as soon as I sat down and started messing with the demo, the rest of the group walked in.

"Hey Schneider!"

Paul said while waving to me, I waved back as he grabbed his guitar and sat down and started playing with it.

The rest of the band just walked in saying hi and sitting down.

Until Oliver came in.

He Just sat down next to me and I was about to ask him if you needed something until he said two words that made me feel so much better.

"I'm sorry."


Lindemannswife                                 Short chapter, sorry 😭

Ooooooeeeehhhh he's sorry 🥳.  SAND NOW Y/N KNOWS ABOU THE CRUSH!!!!

Meine Liebe  -christoph Schneider x readerWhere stories live. Discover now