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In the post-game interview after Game 4, the reporters gathered around Y/n and LeBron, eager to hear their thoughts.

A journalist stepped forward, holding a microphone, and addressed Y/n, "Y/n, earlier, Wesley Matthews made some comments and a statement after going up 3-1 in the finals. What are your thoughts on that?"

Y/n shared a look with LeBron and then replied, "Wesley's comments, they are what they are. We're here to play basketball, and that's where our focus is. As for his statement, well, the series isn't over until it's over. We're ready to give our all, and we'll see how the series plays out."

Another reporter followed up with a question for Y/n, "Y/n, it's clear that Game 5 is crucial. Do you consider it a must-win game for the team?"

Y/n nodded thoughtfully and answered, "Every game in the finals is a must-win game. We understand the importance of each matchup, and we're approaching

Game 5 with the same mindset we've had throughout the entire series – to give it everything we've got and leave it all on the court. So, in our minds, yes, Game 5 is a must-win, just like every game from here on out."

LeBron chimed in, showing his agreement, "Absolutely. The finals are about seizing every opportunity and giving it our all. Our focus is on Game 5 now, and we'll continue to fight for every game left in this series."

The press conference continued with more questions, and Y/n and LeBron remained determined and focused on the challenge ahead.

The atmosphere in Oracle Arena was electric as Game 5 of the NBA Finals unfolded.

The Cleveland Cavaliers were determined to extend the series, and the Golden State Warriors were equally committed to sealing their championship.

The stakes were high, and the tension was palpable.

In the midst of it all, Ariana Grande, Y/n's supporter, was once again in attendance, seated courtside, watching with bated breath.

From the opening tip-off, it was evident that LeBron James and Y/n L/n had a point to prove.

They were the cornerstones of the Cavaliers' challenge, and they were ready to shine on the biggest stage of all.

This was their moment to silence the critics and push the series to a Game 6.

The game started with a furious pace, both teams battling for control.

But it was LeBron who made the first statement, scoring with a drive to the basket, then adding a deep three-pointer.

Y/n, ever the playmaker, threaded the needle with a precise pass to Kevin Love for an easy bucket.

The Warriors, however, were not to be outdone. Stephen Curry and Wesley Matthews showed their extraordinary shooting range by sinking several long-range shots. The contest was fierce, and the crowd was on the edge of their seats.

As the game progressed, it was clear that LeBron and Y/n were in sync. They were a dynamic duo, orchestrating plays and making clutch shots.

LeBron's strength and athleticism were a nightmare for the Warriors, as he bulldozed his way to the rim or spotted open teammates.

Y/n's court vision was unparalleled, and his assists kept the Cavs' offense humming.

Ariana, sitting in the front row, couldn't help but be swept up in the intensity of the game.

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