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Wonwoo POV

No this can't be happening.

Last week I was jerking off to a man that I don't know. I mean I don't even know his face. I imagined him in the mask, he might not even have a face but that body is so hot, so bult and his tan skin though his hands or maybe his hands are tanned but around the eyes are as well, I did something that night, Mingyu told me he knocked me out because of something. There's so many things I could have done, but there was only 4 minues what could I have done? Because he told me there was only 4 minutes. What did he do? no Mingyu is my guardian thing. He must have taken off his mask, did he offend me? did I offend him? he won't respond to me when I ask so this is probably serious...right?

Maybe I should go hook up or something....but I don't want to loose my virginity to some random guy...but if I am in love with something that isn't from this universe then I am going to die alone. I should go out more find someone and settle down, if I keep staying in this place in my thoughts, i'll be losing my mind. This has to stop and soon.

I get dressed into some tight jeans and a black shirt matched with a leather jacket with a tiger design on the back. I comb my hair and jell it back pulling a coulpe of stands to frame my face and cover my forehead I pull out my black framed glasses. Sliding on my Timberland boots I walk to the nearest club, I need to drink my worries away. I can't be in love with the angel of death ,no the grim reaper or whatever. I can't be in love with Mingyu.

"I want a beer please." the bartender smiles and I sit on the bar stool facing him, watching as he takes the beer glass and puts it under the machine for it to fill and foam perfectly. I turn and look at the dance floor full of horny teens and couples. "You alright there darling? rough day?" I smile at the bartender. "Rough week more like it, work is shit and I have no one in my life to vent to, I just want to drink my worries away. My only friend is busy so it makes it worse." The bartended hits me with the 'aah' of acknowledgement. "You should make more friends, I mean like what about your girlfriend or boyfriend?" The guy next to me speaks over the music. "I'm single, don't have a lot of people to talk to, it's mainly just me" The lights of th club flash brightly as another song blasts though the speakers. "You know, I thought a handsome man like you would be in a long-term relationship you seem to pretty to be single." I turn to the man completely.

My jaw drops.

This man is covered in muscles, huge buldging muscles lik his tricep is as big as my bicep. "Like what you see? 10 years in the gym does this to you." I blinked. "D-d-daym" The man laughs and I smile at the bartender as he gives me my beer before I take a sip of my drink which burns my throat yet it feels so good. The man next to me mixes his whiskey in the glass. "What brings you here?" I ask softly. "Looking for someone on the same page as me, you know when you're 28 and single, you start to give up on dating and not only that, there is no hope in marriage. If I find a man or Woman I'll have a kid in my mid 30s then i'll be 45 when my kid is 10 and to be fairly honest, the younger generation is turning to trash they're all glued to their devices i've seen kids at the age of 7 have worse eyesight than a 70 year old man because of the way they are glued to thse bright screens till midnight, at that age I don't think I can handle it." I nod my head. He isn't wrong.

This world is falling apart quicker than we can fix it, it's kind of like Jenga. "You know, same here I just want a man that I can rely on, kids aren't really my thing anyways."

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