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Brianna woke up immediately traumatized from her near death experience from Jacob. She sat up in tears, wishing it would all be over. She knew she had to find out more about Jasmines death, so she took a piece of paper from the desk in the guest room and wrote notes about the mans voice, the description of his appearance, Jacob, and the missing children.

She then knew that Jacob probably didnt have anything to do with the horse man, since he was out while the deaths were happening. Brianna then added up some conclusions, and realised it was infact the horse man who killed Jasmine.

She knew she had to find him again but was also too scared of dying. She knew she had to live for Jasmine, but also save the children who were suffering from the man. 

From then on, everyday Brianna would search and search for more clues of each missing child and teenager. Nothing was ever found about them being discovered again, and this terrified her the most.

3 weeks later

Brianna was in her house, back to normal again. Nothing really happened as she just stayed inside all day every day. She never went to her shifts, nor left the house. Any grocery shopping would be done by a close friend and shortly after be brought to her.

She was feeling pretty lonely and isolated, and Jasmine not being around anymore made it even worse for her. She decided she would contact her mom again. Just as she was about to hit the call button, a ''No Caller ID'' sign was shown at the top of her phone. 

Brianna's room was dark. She was alone and terrified seeing that at the top of her screen again. She hit answer on the call, and the noises she heard was spine-chilling.

First, a scream from a little boy around 3-5 echoed through the phone. She swore she heard him being stabbed, it was horrifying. 

''You are next.''

A familiar voice was heard. It was that horse man from a couple weeks ago, the one who murdered Jasmine. 

''I know its you.'' Brianna said harshly. ''You killed my best friend. Dont even try to deny it. Your'e pathetic, thats what you are. It goes to show since you havent even killed me yet.'' 

''Do you want me to come over now and kill you? Dont dare judge me like that, you dont know what im capable of.'' The killer said, in a raging tone. ''It wasnt me who killed your best friend, figure that out yourself.''

''Try coming here and killing me. The cops are outside waiting for you.''

The man quickly hung up, Brianna assumed he was scared of being caught and didnt want to show it. She knew he was nothing but a pathetic prankster, and she would not be murdered by him without him being arrested.

A couple hours passed, Brianna couldnt sleep at all. Who was it that killed Jasmine? How was it not the horse man, the main killer who made all the children go missing? A million thoughts were going through her head.

She fell asleep soon after, with tears rolling down her face.

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