Chapter Two - A Truth, A Lie, or Half Truth

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I jumped from roof to roof. The night sky illuminates the path I was taking home. Yet I took a misstep. I yelped as I fell from the five story building. I landed in a rolling position. My back soon hit a wall and I sighed. The pain in my torso and shoulder increased. I grunted, just sitting there. Turning I glared at the knife lodged in my gut, I hadn't removed it yet, only out of fear of bleeding out. Then I glared at the bullet wound in my right upper shoulder. I instantly moved, moving so not a trace of my blood was left. I took off running up the fire escape, growling, my grappling hooks, handmade by myself, they weren't working due to the group of villains I'd just fought. The moment I was on the roof I was running again. 'I wonder what Eraser is doing. I haven't seen him since a month ago.' I came to a stop on the roof of my home. I should have noticed the cop cars, ambulances,  and news vehicles around my home.
The moment I landed I doubled over. Pain blossomed where the dagger was lodged in my torso. My right hand still resting on the wound. Trying to stop the bleeding, while my left arm did the same with my left shoulder. Though I had to move that hand to open and close the door to my makeshift home. Sadly the moment I took a step I again fell, rolling down the stare, I moved so it wouldn't aggravate my wound. I hadn't moved fast enough, and instead the dagger lodged itself further onto my gut. I bit my tongue to stop the scream. I stumbled and then I was on my feet. I stumbled to the nearest wall, ignoring the blood coating my hands and shirt.
Grunting I reached up and ripped the hood and mask off of my head. My black and sage green hair pooled around me. It had just faded again yesterday. I hadn't had time to re-dye my hair. I coughed, blood trickling out of my mouth. I glared at nothing. "How the hell, did that knife and bullet get through my armor." I hissed out. I glaring at my blood coated hands. Growling I walk, we'll, more like stumbled, to the cupboards. Reaching up I pulled out food for Luna, turning I opened the can of cat food and placed it on the ground. "Luna! Here's some food for you my love." She came running, mewing and wildly gesturing around the corner of the door she'd just entered from. I should have paid attention to that. But instead, I ignored it and continued what I was trying to do.
I stumbled to the bathroom. Walking in I pulled out my contacts, then slowly began to strip off my armor. I got the shoulder pads, waist armor, and the arm cuffs off before I was on the ground. My knees had buckled and now I was on my left side, luckily I had moved so I didn't land on my wounds. I just grunted. Closing my eyes. Then I heard my bathroom door get slammed open. "Holy shit! Kid!?" My eye cracked open ever so slightly at the familiar face, I could feel the color draining from my face. When it hit me I shot to my feet. Guard up and on high alert.
Only to stumble back and land on my but. I grunted, my eyes screwing closed. "Fuck." I growled my head going back. "Dammit." My hand moved to my bleeding shirt. "I was just wondering why I haven't seen you in the past month." Within seconds he was by my side. His hands pressing on the wound, he didn't remove the dagger.
"Amishta! What the hell happened!?" Within seconds I saw  Tsukiauchi, Mic, Midnight, Nezu, and many more heros. Their faces moved from shock to horror. I just smirked, ignoring the icy cold pain in my shoulder and gut.
"Yo!" I waved. Only to grunt as pain shot through my body. "Shit..."
"How fucking old are you!? Dammit I knew you were a teen but I thought you'd be seventeen at the youngest, maybe even nineteen!" I laughed. Smiling at Eraserhead.
"Wow! Your way off Eraser!" I then grimaced as pain again shot through me. "By the way. Why are there so many heros? All this trouble for the little old, almost fourteen year old, quirkless vigilante." Tsukiauchi went even pauler. That's right, today marked officially seven years of being on the run from Chisaki Kai and my mother. Tomorrow I'll be fourteen. I heard a chim and my head turned to the clock. 'Correction, officially fourteen.'
"Wow... she... shit. She's really just a kid." My eyes flashed to the said man, who was now pulling out his hair. That caused guilt to blossom in my chest.
"Hey, don't do that." My eyes narrowed, I felt as Luna head but my hand. I began to pet her. "You'll hurt yourself."
"You're the one bleeding out! And you're scolding me!" I glared.
"Yes." He looked like he wanted to scream. I just leaned back, a cough trickling up my throat as blood splattered out of my mouth, ignoring it I spoke. "Now ignoring the fact that your in my house-"
"-for whatever reason." I glared at the hero behind Mic for his little outburst. "Since you're here. Can someone grab the first aid kit so I can treat these stupid wounds."
"Nope." I glanced at Eraser.  "We're taking you to a hospital." I just stared at him. My face went blank. He stared back.
"Like hell." He looked at me. Glaring. But all I could think about was the fact that if I let them take me, he'll have easier access to me. And I'd be damned if I got caught. My hand moved from Luna and to my belt. No one noticed, too busy looking between me and Eraser. "Going of the fact fucking Endeavor is here I'm going to guess that the media is here as well." 'I will not be caught.' I glared. "I'm sorry Aizawa Shouta. But I will not be going anywhere with you." 'Not when he's still out there.' Eraser glared at me. But then Tsukishima let out a strangled cry and buried his head in his hands.
"That's why you're so familiar." He whined in his hands. "You're from my other seven year long case." He sounded like he wanted to cry. "Your Midoriya Izara." My eyes widened and my hand shot up and over my head I was about to release the flash grenade when a large hand clamped onto my wrist another prying the grenade from my hand. Aizawa pried it from my hand. I fought it, fighting my grip. In the end I accidentally broke it in half. I whined
"Noooo. That took forever to make! It took even longer to make it so it would flash blue instead of white too~." I looked down, slightly surprised that Mic had taken over pressing pressure to my wounded torso.
"Amishta." I looked at the detective. Now kneeling in front of me. Something flashed in his eyes. "Why did you run from your mother? Did you know she's dead? Do you know how she died?" I glared. Then stubbornly I crossed my arms.
"I ain't saying shit." I winced in pain as I paused. "Until I have this wound treated. Without being spotted by the media." I looked at Luna. "And I ain't moving an inch without my cat."

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