Chapter 1: Our Stitchy Pal...

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As the intro music played, everyone danced and sang. Caine and Bubble giggled and laughed as the lights in the tent began to darken.

"Now! Are you munchkins ready for your adventure for today?!" Spoke Caine. Everyone looked at him with an unimpressed look on their faces.

"I'll take that as a yes! Now get ready for-" Caine was cut off as a small scream echoed through the area.

A small person with funny looking clothes was spat out by a portal onto the floor just a few feet away from the group. They skidded across the floor, knocked Kinger over, and finally stopped at Ragatha's feet. Kinger yelled as he clipped in and out of the floor.

"O- Ow..." The person said as they laid there, dizzy.

"Oh my god... Caine so help me if this is a new goon that has been throw into this mess, I'm gonna lose my #$!%." Jax's smile lowered and his eyes squinted as he looked up at Caine who was floating just a few feet above.
"Th- That wasn't planned! Welp! Looks like we have a new addition to our lovely cast!" Caine smiled as he floated above this new person.

"Who- Who are you people?..." The new person looked up at everyone, their eyes bounced from one brightly colored character to the next. They still looked quite a bit dizzy.

"I- I'm just glad they aren't screaming." Spoke Gangle as they watched the new funny looking character that was slowly getting to their feet. Now that they were more visible everyone could see what they actually looked like. The new person was wearing a bright green colored shirt and teal shorts. Their skin was made of patches just like a voodoo doll and one of their eyes was a black button and the other was normal and a nice gray color.

"Where am I?..." They spoke as they rubbed their head.

"You my patchy friend are in the AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS!" Caine spoke as he twirled his batton.

"Huh?..." They looked confused as their heart sank. "This... This has to be a dream..." They began to panic as they finally realized that they were no longer in the world they used to be in.

Jax grinned, "Yup, totally a dream."

"I- I want my mom..." They spoke with a quiver as their eyes began to water.

"Oooooo! Another crybaby! Here that gangle!? You'll finally have a friend!" Jax chuckled as he pat Gangle on the back, knocking their comedy mask off, making Gangle begin to cry.

"Oh! Knock it off Jax! They're just a child!" Ragatha spoke as she slowly walked over to the new person and leaned down. "Hey there Kiddo... Everything is gonna be ok. Just calm down and we can explain..." She rubbed the back of this new kid, hoping that they would calm down.

"H- How did I get here... I- I was just playing games... I put on this... This thing that looked like glasses and..." They began to uncontrollably sob.

Jax laughed, earning him a glare from Ragatha before she spoke again, "I know, I know. Just take deep breaths. Everything will be alright." Ragatha continued to comfort the new character until finally they calmed down.
"Wh- Who are you people?..." They finally spoke, wiping their eyes.

"That is a great Question!" Caine shouted, "The doll with red hair is Ragatha, the purple rabbit is Jax, the ribbon person over there is gangle," He pointed over to the person who was still crying about their broken mask, "Zooble is our funky friend over there, Kinger is the one hiding in his pillow castle, and I! I am the ringmaster of this great show; Caine!"
"And I'm Bubble!" A large bubble with sharp teeth and a high pitched voice floated around Caine.

The new character waved slightly, looking at all the new people and thinking of their names so that they'd be able to remember them.
"What about you?! What's your name you little patchy princess?!" Caine spoke, waiting for an answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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