26. Always there.

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Gunshots fired in the distance, startling Evelynn. All the smoke she kept inhaling was causing her eyes to blur. She coughed and her throat felt horrible. It was all she kind smell and taste. Smoke.

"Evy!" yelled a male voice. Evy. Carl's favorite nickname for Evelynn. She knew it was him, who else would it be?

Evelynn followed the voice and called out, "Carl! I'm here!" Her voice was hoarse. She walked until she finally reached Carl. He held onto Rick who was limp.

"Thank god, you're okay," Carl sighed in relief.

Evelynn coughed, "Yeah, you too. But we gotta get out of here, c'mon."

"Judith? Where is she?" Rick managed to say with blood dripping down from his mouth and cuts on his face. He was weak and didn't look too good yet all he cared for was his daughter.

Evelynn frowned, Judith wasn't with her family. Their home was gone too and they were separated from everyone. The three of them walked forward. They noticed a baby carrier in the middle of the walkway. Judith. But there were cries or baby noises. Rick's eyes widened, was his youngest daughter okay?

As they walked toward the carrier, there was no baby. It was stained with blood. A tear dropped from Carl's eye, Evelynn looked on the floor in disbelief. Judith was like a baby sister to her, she was like another Lori. Now they were both gone, and they died in the same place.

Evelynn felt even worse for Rick and Carl. They'd lost another person in their family. Rick sobbed and Carl tried his best to keep it in. A walker stepped toward them. Carl took it up and shot at it, again and again even though it was dead.

"Carl. Carl!" Rick wailed as he walked to stop his son from wasting bullets. The young teenager began sobbing. That was his baby sister's car seat. "We- We've gotta get out a' here. We gotta go."

Evelynn ran to the two. No matter how frightened she was, she comforted her best friend. "It's okay, it'll be okay, Carl," she put an arm around him.

The three set off to get the hell out of the prison which was completely overrun.

After a while of walking, all they kept seeing were trees and plants. Evelynn's legs felt sore. Rick was so beaten up he could barely walk. He just limped the whole way. Evelynn kept to his side in case anything might happen. Carl walked in front of the two.

"Carl, stop!" Rick growled, He didn't look back or anything but he did stop. "We needa' stick together. We got a' find a place with food, supplies." They finally caught up to the boy.

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 • 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝Where stories live. Discover now