Chapter 1

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Mars sat in the cushioned chair skimming through a child's comedy manga. Normally he would've been happy to have such a thing in his position as he laughed at the jokes, but this day was anything but normal. He wanted to go in so bad and see his creator, be with him again.

But he also dreaded it, how could he do this?

What would he say?

What if Yamanoue was angry? Or worse, what if he was… barely alive?

Mars whimpered at the unpleasant image, he was under so much stress it felt like his circuits were being fried. His wires twisted to knots.

Miri, who sat next to him, noticed the younger robot's panic. She pulled Mars closer and gave him a kiss. He seemed to soften up a bit because of this, but not by much.

"I'm sure Yamanoue is fine, Mars. He seemed happy when Papa called earlier." Miri said softly in an attempt to further ease Mars.

"What if he's just lying? What if something happened? He could be really hurt, dying even!" Mars cried as he stared down at the floor, unable to make eye contact.

"He's fine Mars. He's alright, trust me."

I don't want to think Miri is lying to me. Mars thought to himself. But part of him still had doubts, he couldn't help it.

He waited for what was probably just about ten minutes, but felt like an hour. He'd abandoned his own chair and sat himself on Miri's lap, burying his face in her chest and crying silently.

Kawashimo came over to the robotic children and whispered something to his daughter. Miri sighed as she nudged Mars, alerting him to get up. Mars got up slowly and struggled to stand on his feet, it looked reminiscent of his first steps that had happened only a few seconds after he was activated. Taking a few shaky, uncoordinated strides forward, his vision blurring.

He had to again lean on Miri for support as he shuffled forward. As he stopped in front of the door to Yamanoue's room, he took a second before entering to collect himself.

Please be okay Dad…

Please be okay.

Silently hugging the wall, Mars peaked in and stumbled through the doorway. He found himself looking down at his boots and the tile floor. Mars' ears were flooded with the beeping of the heart monitor and other medical equipment as well as the voices of nurses and doctors outside. Miri stood behind him, and Kawashimo was in the doorway, eyes closed and arms crossed. He was oddly nonchalant about this situation he would have normally been very emotional with. However that was probably because he'd already talked with his husband- I mean colleague only two hours ago. Hopefully this was evidence that everything was fine.

Even though his father was right in front of him, he couldn't find himself able to look up. Mars wanted to see him so bad… but he didn't want to face the reality of what Yamanoue might've become.

"Mars! There's my little warrior!" Mars perked up as he heard a familiar voice. In an unusual and rare joyous tone.

Yamanoue sat up on the mattress, a newspaper he had been reading in his hands. Even with all the scars and bruises covering him he still gave a confident smirk.

Mars felt a near euphoric wave of relief wash over him as he rushed towards the bed, his father was bruised… but he was alive. And that was enough.
He leaped, squealing in excitement as he wrapped an unexpecting Yamanoue in a bear hug. Yamanoue screamed in pain as the metallic boy squeezed his already beaten and weak body.

Mars immediately backed off and blushed, "Sorry dad, I got too excited." He giggled sheepishly.

Yamanoue scowled as he held himself, his eyes gone dark. Face red and burning. Everyone else in the room watched on paralyzed in fear of another one of his typical extreme outbursts.

But instead Yamanoue took a second, burying his face in his hands and deeply inhaling. "It's alright… you didn't mean it."

"Wait, why are you not mad?" Mars was baffled.

"I… I'm trying to be a little less angry. I've had a lot of time to reflect about my actions, and I really regret how harsh I've been."


Yamanoue sighed and smiled weakly. "I just don't want to be the way my father was to me, I don't want to override you with expectations." His face then hardened a little bit, "But that doesn't mean I'm going to be completely passive. Don't think you can slack off young man!"

Mars laughed and grinned, "I won't dad! I promise I'll work hard to make you proud!"

Kawashimo happily chimed in, which was a little jarring since he'd been nearly mute all day, "Oh believe me Mars, Yamanoue-kun is already proud."

Yamanoue blushed hard and his whole face turned red as a tomato. "Well that's true. Erm… yes you indeed impress me, I've heard about the adventures you've had while I was gone, all the brave things you've done."

Mars was filled with joy and pride. His father was not only alive, but proud of him. It was like he was in an impossibly perfect dream, he kept expecting to wake up in bed. Kept bracing himself to find this all to be a sick illusion, waking up in bed alone. And with every passing second he didn't was treasured.

That is until Kawashimo started to look bothered and upset. Like he was waiting for something terrible to happen too. No, like he knew something terrible was about to happen.
He staggered over to the bedside next to Mars and gave Yamanoue a look of concern. Yamanoue simply nodded in response.

The temporary aura of relief in the room dissipated immediately. Yamanoue's eyes moistened with tears and he gave another smile, though it was more so one of pity.

"Well, it turns out the explosion and the subsequent fall damaged the nerves in my legs beyond repair. I'm not going to be able to walk ever again."

Mars should've known. Should've known it wouldn't be perfect, he didn't live in a fairytale. Mars cried out in agony for his father, bursting into tears. Miri looked like she was trying to keep it together for him but she too silently wept.

Yamanoue scoffed, "And why are you crying over this Mars!? I'm not dead! Besides, I'm an old man, I was going to be crippled soon anyway." His voice was callous and almost mocking. The tone of someone who did not care about his condition either way. But in the man's eyes was another story that was not as expertly hidden from the others as he thought. A story of searing pain and sorrow, not just from the incident and its aftermath but also many other things Mars could not begin to understand. Cracks in Yamanoue's mask of toxic masculinity and cruelty used to hide himself were slipping. And out from these cracks spilled a lifetime of trauma, for this was the final straw.

"Papa… is what Doctor Yamanoue says… is that really true?" Asked Miri softly as she approached her own creator.

Kawashimo solemnly nodded.

"Why would I lie about such things?" Asked Yamanoue sincerely.

"I don't know. I guess it's just something I never really expected to happen, at least not this way."

Yamanoue chucked dryly. "Me neither. Me neither." He whispered.

Mars reached out and caressed Yamanoue's cheek, shocked the man didn't flinch away from him or scream. He sat still as he let his son stroke him softly, letting him give this tiny gesture of affection. In fact Yamanoue almost seemed relieved, if not a bit confused. It felt like he wanted it, he needed it.

Adjustments- A Jetter Mars Yamanoue x Kawashimo fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now