From a cradle to a grave

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As the baby's due date draws near, Klaus and Elijah embark on a search for Hayley, while Hayley determines to do whatever it takes to keep her unborn baby safe and away from the witches. ...

Previously on The Originals.

- You're Klaus' father?
- You can bring me back to life.

Welcome to my hell.

You're all right.
Have you dreamt of our father?

- I saw Mikael.
- I've been dreaming of him, too.

Your mother is clearly
a very gifted witch.

Any way I do the math,
it ends with me and my guys dead.

So whatever it is you got coming
with the wolves,

just know that I will fight
until I am dead!

Nice job.

You saved me the trouble
of killing all these vampires myself.

That baby is part witch.

She has to be born first
before she can die.

- No!
- This is the way it had to be.

Writing a love letter to
one of your many suitors?

So who's the lucky recipient then.
Jackson or Elijah?

Don't tell me it's me.

I thought I was out of the running
ages ago.

The award for biggest ego goes to...


How is our littlest wolf?

Do you want to...

Come on.

Feel that?


I'll leave you
to your secret letter then.

Dear Zoey.

Or Caitlin or Angela.

To my little girl...

your dad just asked
if this was a love letter.

I guess it kind of is.

I never got to know my mother.

I have no idea what she must have
felt when she carried me.

Let go of me, you bitch!

So I thought I'd write to you

so that you could know how happy
I am at this very moment.

How much your father and I
can't wait to meet you.

And I want to make you a promise,

three things that you will have
that I never did.

A safe home,

someone to tell you
that they love you every single day

and someone to fight
for you no matter what.

In other words, a family.

So there you go, baby girl.

The rest we're going to
have to figure out together.

I love you. Your mom.

You should know
this brings me no joy.

I promise I'll make it quick.

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