The map of moments

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Rebekah persuades Klaus and Elijah to take part in a family tradition from their childhood.

on "The Originals"...

I presume i have
the misfortune of
speaking to my mother.

I have come to heal
our family.

I'd prefer you both to
join me against our mother,

But i'll happily
settle for one or the other.

It is time you
bring camille in.

Esther prepared
your body

For someone to
jump into.

She was preparing you
for rebekah.

I have the baby,
and we're on the run.

Esther found us.

Then she made an offer
to make us all mortal again.

We mustn't let
the world ever hurt her.

You're right.

Those daggers
don't work on klaus.

It's not
impossible to change

The dagger itself,
so here.

That's a giant diamond.

It's a paragon diamond.

Use them
to conduct power.

Klaus, there's
something i
need to tell you.

You can tell me
on the way.

Where are we going?

To see our daughter.

All right, darling.
You know what
to look for.

You sly old bat.

Clean up.
Meet me in the cemetery.

This little beauty and i
have a date with a dagger.

You're looking
very dapper this
evening, kol.

Though gloves
without a tailcoat.

Unusual, wouldn't
you say, klaus?

I would unless
of course the gloves

Are utilitarian
in nature.

I didn't realize
you two lovebirds

Were interested
in fashion.

Oh, i can take it
or leave it.

Mayor behrman
on the other hand,

Now his style
is impeccable,

Especially under
present duress.

Do you know he
came to me
very concerned

About the rash
of thefts
in the city?

So i put marcel
on it.

And after a little digging,
i formed a theory

As to the culprit,
so we followed
our suspect.

And he led us here
to the mansion

Of the recently
dowager fauline.

She was famous
for her collection

Of rare and
priceless jewels,

Most notably
of course

The perfect
paragon diamond.

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