School seats, and a new best friend

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The day started out like normal, Marinette was late for her first day of school, as usual.

"Marinette! Wake up your going to be late! You don't want to have a tardy on the first day of school do you?"
Sabine, Marinette's mother yelled from downstairs. "Coming mom!" Marinette yelled as she was just starting to wake up. She ran into her closet and was immediately stuck with a decision. "Tikki, what do I wear? This is so hard!" She groaned. "Calm down Marinette! This one will be better to wear, you don't want to wear white! Given your so clumsy."
Her kwami said, holding up a grey tee, which had her usual flower print on it. "Tikki!" She yelled, grabbing the shirt and throwing it on.

               She ran out the door and into the school, but stopped when she saw a really handsome blonde get out of a grey town car. She shook away the fantasy that popped in her head and ran up the staircase leading to her class. "Hey girl! How have you been! We haven't talked all summer!" A familiar voice shouted in excitement behind her. "Oh hey! I've been good, just helping my mom out with the family business! Modeling is so tiring! How have you been? Anything new?" "Oh nothing new, just helping dad out with the bakery!" Chloé said with excitement. Never in a million years would Marinette actually admit to her best friend that she had been saving Paris all summer.

       "Alright class, take your seats! We have a new student! Everyone welcome the mayors son, Adrien Agreste!" "Wow, this place is a dump! Where are the leather seats? And the 50 inch tv's in front of everyone's desks? How trash, Nino!" "Yes Adrien?" "Spray down my seat, I'm not going to catch lameness!" "Of course! I'll do that right away." Suddenly the teacher, Mr Damocles, spoke up. "I'm afraid that is not your seat sir, your seat is over there." He pointed to the front row seat right in front of Chloé and Marinette's desk. "Ew, no way." Marinette brought heheh voice to a whisper and leaned over to Chloé. "I have a feeling it's not going to be fun with him." "Me too." They both burst out laughing.

      Hey guys! Author here! This is my first story that I've written, so sorry for any spelling mistakes or anything that doesn't make sense. Love you bugaboos! And i will try to upload a chapter every week!

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