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Top Secret

Item #: SCP-10000

Object Class: Keter: Thaumiel (Pending)

Risk Class: Notice: Critical (Pending)

Disruption Class: Dark: Amida (Pending)

Special Containment Procedure: As of the last two years, no current containment feature has worked on SCP-10000. Means of containment has been meet with failure, despite this SCP-10000 has willingly stayed in confinement. SCP-10000 has requested for a chair made of pure gold when in containment (pending) Note: The entity in question can 'warp' its room to its liking, question of purpose is on going.

Description: SCP-10000 is a humanoid entity that encompasses the entirety of all known Human genome and all known types of Human species of which fluctuates with each testing, facial descriptions and height fluctuates from a 6'11 Siberian with dark hair and a dark tan, to a 4'2 green haired Native from the Amazons in South America. Note: SCP-10000 is always male. 

Addendum 10000-1: 02/15/2000- Discovery

SCP-10000 was first recorded in the area of ▇▇, a jovial laugh was recorded being 500 miles from ▇▇. Of which affected the local populous with higher levels dopamine, to counteract this both class A and B Amnestics were used to prevent affected individuals from trying to recreate such dopamine levels, however most of the populous had to be terminated two months later due to sights of individuals trying to recreate their 'high'. 

The Foundation tried for the next five years to find what caused this and how to contain this new entity.

Addendum 10000-2: 06/5/2005- Mars

The second sighting of SCP-10000 was due to a new research team at site ▇▇ of which located a man with no suit on the surface of mars, and is recorded by the team as 'wearing a jovial look that wants to make you cry'. The team has since gone under psychic evaluation and watch.

Addendum 10000-3: 12/25/2010- Adana Turkey

SCP-10000- first true encounter with the entity, Task Force ▇▇ sent in to detain the entity, however upon arriving Task Force ▇▇ Note: this Task Force is made up of ▇▇, ▇▇, and most importantly ▇▇▇▇▇▇, as documented by Squad Leader ▇▇▇, they were expecting to lose a town and a portion of the surrounding landscape, not a cheerful old man waiting to be detained Note: other members reported a young man, or a middled aged man.: Hours later and the entity enters Site ▇▇ headed by Connor.

Addendum 10000-4:▇▇▇▇- Site ▇▇- Interview 1 lead by Dr. Jones.

Dr. Jones: So.... Do you know how you came to be and why you're here?

**The Entity looks at the Dr. smiling**

SCP-10000: Of course my young friend! It's not everyday a laugh is known to cause.... All that...

Dr. Jones: Everything ok?

SCP-10000: WEEELLLll! Not necessarily- and I may know that my statement is off topic- may I continue?

**Dr. Jones motions for him to go on**

SCP-10000: Ahem! Might as well answer some questions that your Council might have as well... ▇▇ time ago I 'arrived' at where once my Palace stood, but here's the thing! No palace but Pre-Dark Age humans! But that isn't what made me laugh!

**Dr. Jones hums as he notes some of his answer, as SCP-10000 waits.**

SCP-10000: It was seeing Old Terra again, the clear skies, fresh air, trees.... Just... The beauty of Old Terra itself, her old-but now young self again....If only I could see it fully..... Ahem! To answer your initial question though, a fragment of my.... I guess you can refer to it as either a 'soul' or a 'consciousness' broke off from the Throne Bound Emperor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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