One Shot for Arya

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It's been a while since you've seen the boys.You're the daughter to an old friend of Bobby Singer's so you hit it off with them from a very young age. You and your friends the Winchester's are doing a hunt together and from what they've pieced together, you're dealing with a trickster.

You'd heard of these bitches, not hard to kill, just hard to pin down. The poison of choice was a stake to the heart, and honestly? Who wouldn't that kill?

"Arya," Dean called from your living room, "you ready?" You readjusted your tank top and wrapped a jacket around yourself, in the Minnesota winter, it was freezing outside. You allowed your shoulder length pink hair to flow freely from it's normal messy bun.

You tumbled down the stairs and jumped over your dog to get to the door. Deans and Sam watched you with amused looks, "Still little Miss Track Star?" Sam nodded to the wall of medals.

"I'm athletic, so what?" You raised an eyebrow to them.

"No, there's nothing wrong with it, you just gave Ol' Cujo a scare." Sam bent over to pet your German Shepard.

"Cujo," you bent down to Sam's level, "doesn't get scared."

At that moment, Dean's phone rang and your dog whimpered at the sound of it. Dean smiled mockingly down on you, "You sure Fido doesn't need us to check the doggie kennel for monsters before we head out?"

"She only whimpered cos that god awful ringtone of yours," you hinted that his taste in music sucked. He gave you a 'die slowly' smile and answered the phone.

"Special Agent Jovi." he answered stoically, "Yes? Really, my partners and I will be there right away." He clicked his phone shut and nodded to you, "Lets head out."

"Bye Cujo." You gave your dog a kiss on the head before walking out the door and locking it.
You and the boys were sitting in the Impala watching the warehouse. The janitor was still inside and at your guess, he wouldn't be much longer in there.

Like you predicted, the janitor walked out and that was your cue. The Winchester's slowly exited their car, you just behind them.

Upon entering the warehouse, something didn't feel right. Of course, when hunting, nothing was ever feeling right. You looked behind you and Dean signed for you to check the other rooms. He signaled for Sam to check the other floors.

As you checked the other rooms, they all appeared the same, a desk with a chair or two and that's about it. You gave Dean a nod, telling him that the rooms were clear and to go check on Sam.

As you and Dean trudged up the stairs silently and realized there was a noticeable lack of the younger Winchester. Dean, looked around slightly panicked. His brother is wasn't exactly small so there was really nowhere to hide in an open floor.

It was then that you felt a presence behind you. A slightly and vaguely familiar prensence. You spun around and just a few feet away. You saw a man with brown hair and golden brown eyes. He was gazing curiously at you like he was trying to figure something out.

You reacted immediately to his appearance by taking a fighting stance, showing the stake that was in front of you. He blinked in surprise before coming out of his trance. He threw a smirk and a wink your way before flicking his wrist and sent the stake flying across the room, rendering you defenseless.

Dean was at your side instantly, pushing you behind him. Holding his own weapon up to the man, "Gabriel," he seethed, "I thought you were dead."

"Well Dean-o," he sighed, "We can't all have what we want, now can we?" He eyed you cautiously and pointed to you, "I thought you didn't play well with others."

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