GAGGED AND SHOT, first chapter

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hey, if you want — read the description !!

scarlett woke up at 6 AM, groggily as ever. she sighed, walking to the bathroom and brushing her teeth, she opened the cabniet, grabbing her toothbrush and mint toothpaste and starting to brush her teeth. as she looked in the mirror with the dimmed light hanging above her, she looked unsurprised, the same emerald and chocolate brown mitch-matched eyes that compliment her wavy, long, ginger hair. her freckles popping out from her skin like revolting weeds as usual. she finished brushing her teeth after 2 minutes (that felt like a long five.) and spat out the toothpaste into her sink, cleaning her mouth and drinking some water. she leaves her bathroom, unbothered to change out of her strawberry pajamas. she forces herself into her kitchen and starts to cook herself some eggs, minutes later, she is sitting at her counter, eating some eggs with a bit of basil on the side. scarlett is mindlessly eating as she stares at her phone, looking on instagram reels of cats, time passing like a fly. when she gets a text from "555-281-1938." she opens the text, curious.

"hello, hello! is this scarlett nguyen? if not, please ignore this text.

scarlett — you have been invited to attend a game called flicker! i am not allowed to share what this game may partake, but, i may say — there is a prize. if interested, please go to this address in town; 291 april lee RD. be no later than 5:30 PM, 7/29/2001. please bring nothing more than yourself, your phone and NO acquaintances."

scarlett reads the text, intrigued. "you know, i have nothing better to do with this boring life of mine." scarlett mumbles to herself. . she looks at the time and date. 7:02 AM, 7/29/2001. i might as well go. she thinks. she hops up and cleans her dirty dishes. going to her room and getting ready for an event that is no where near by, time wise. but scarlett being scarlett. she must be prepared.

some time later . . .

"ugh, finally ready." scarlett mumbled, tossing her phone and a portable charger into a secret department in her white, denim jeans. she looks in the mirror, now having her hair all nice, more so like how her hair normally looks, "wolfcut" people like to call it. she's wearing a black and white striped blouse that slightly exposes her stomach, butterfly earrings, a soft, comfy pair of leg and arm warmers, as she yawns softly. she slips on her vans and decides to get going, as it takes 30 minutes to walk there.

she approaches the address given to her, looking to see a abandoned house, closest structure nearby is a neighborhood 15 minutes away, walking distance. scarlett feels some unease. the house looking somewhat big, one story, slightly yellow peeling walls, boarded up windows and a brightening green door. not listening to her gut, she walks in, but the moment she steps foot inside, she feels lightheaded and dizzy as she drops to the floor.

"h- huh. . . ?

whats h- happenin-"

her eyes close before she can process anything.


scarlett wakes up, an unknown time later, her head hurting like someone was yelling in her ear the past seven days and feeling slightly heavier than usual. "god . ." she wasn't the only one in this house though, from what she could see, she was laying on an uncomfortable green, 'fluffy' rug, and she saw 4 people in her sight,

one person had long, curly brown hair, the tops of her head having two space buns, god how much hair does she have? that was also slightly messy, that was understandable— though. she had a baggy crop top sweater that was pastel rainbow, and light blue denim shorts. she was wearing white socks that ran up to her knees, and black vans. she had tons of freckles with a yellow headband.

her eyes darted to the next person, they also had brown hair, theirs being slightly darker. they were wearing and oversized, beige sweater that had black and red writing on it — "i <3 you". just below their sweater they had black shorts, going to their knees. they had very short socks and red, nike shoes. scarlett could tell they were awake, as they were staring into the distance. probably lost in thought.

the next two people were right next to each other, one had blue skin, elf ears and a blue with white sweater. he wore dark blue jeans and white adidas shoes. he has messy, blue hair that was semi short. the other one had black, spikey hair. he was wearing a purple-black plaid jacket on his waist, a black undershirt, beige jeans and black nike shoes.

scarlett decides to go over to the one girl in the room, with nothing better to do, since she seems the kindest. scarlett tiptoes over to the girl and starts tapping her shoulder.

"h-huh..?" the girl mutters, she had a soft British accent. her eyes creating a gap, opening. "hello! im scarlett. what's your name? i love your outfit, by the way." "oh-- i'm elizabeth, my friends call be beth." scarlett nodded at beth and helped her up. as beth now stands, she looks about 5'1.

"should we go wake everyone up and see what this 'game' is about?" scarlett suggested to beth, elizabeth nods.

as if on que, 2 people enter the room.

one of them has long, black hair, she has beautiful, purple eyes, with long eyeshadow. she wore a long, flowing white dress that matched her hair, she was wearing black high tops as well. she seemed about 5'7. the other one had brown dreads that faded into a gingerly look. he was wearing a blue jacket, a black shirt with matching black pants and white adidas. he had brown hazel eyes that looked just like hazelnuts. he looked 6'2.

"hi, who are yall?? i'm mason, this is liling, some people call her lin. as she told me." the boy said.

"hi! i'm elizabeth, -- or beth. and this is scarlett!" beth spouted out like a faucet.

right before lin can say something, there's a speaker that cuts her off, coming from an unknown area. making the other two men sleeping and the one staring into space come to there senses.

"hello, hello everyone! welcome too . . . flicker ! in this game, there are 17 players! you have been equipped with two items, some players getting extra due to their role. getting into roles, one of the items YOU have is a notebook! that shows your role and team. there is evil, good and neutral. either evil or good may win, if a neutral survives they tag along with the winning team. please now check your notebook to see your role. i would suggest not to tell anyone your role! assuming they might be the opposite team.

every night the lights will go out, and the murderer role,
or maybe another role -- may kill one person. so be careful~ i will see you in the morning! good luck."

everyone opens there notebook that they were placed with, all realizing they also have a pen. they all look into the notebooks,

reading the role they had gotten, some characters showing glances, some writing down already,

in the mist of everyone glued to their notebooks, the lights start flickering. . it's become night time. scarlett can tell everyone is scurrying away to hide, its best she does the same.

as scarlett was hiding, all she could hear for some time was ear pitching screams. "oh god... the person in the speaker.. wasn't kidding..."

(by the way, from now on, this story will start to get more gorey! please read with caution in the next chapter, come back for part two!)

GAGGED AND SHOT - flicker, robloxWhere stories live. Discover now