November 20th, 2023

36 2 0

Not any Therianthropy stuff today, no quads, no working on tails, no nothing. Buuuuttttt, I did get called to the office twice today😃
So basically, the first time, me and two of my friends, Lee's call them Lyndsay and Isla (obviously not their real names) were called to the office because we were signed up for both Kindergarten lunch helping and Grade1lunch helping. The person in the office (who I believe is the school counselor or something) just wanted to make sure nothing overlapped.
The second time however, I was taken out of gym into the principals office. The big deal. I didn't know what was going on and all that was rushing through me head was "what did I do this time?". However, when I walked in and started towards the chair in front of his desk, he said,
"You can sit over there." I looked to where he was pointing and saw my best friend (let's call her Parvathi [a joke from grade six]). Now the thought was:
"What did WE do this time?"
Turns out, she had ranted in an email about a couple of people who we thought were friends but are actually assholes (sorry for the language). He told us that her email had been flagged for "foul language" and later released us after telling us to delete the message and not do it again. I went to my next period and read the email.
Turns out, she had said: (a lot of bad language up ahead)
•Shit (x3)
•Fuck (x6)
•Asshole (x8)
•Bitch (x4)
And those numbers are not exaggerated. She fill out said she was going to get flagged for it.

Anyways, that was my day. How was yours?

Have a good day/evening/night!

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