Transition (3)

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I could feel someone's fingers tracing my face gently, so I held my breath, that familiar feeling of dread pooling in my stomach. My mind was racing and body aching. Relief washed over me when I could no longer feel their touch, their bodyweight shifting away from me. They stood and I could hear their footsteps stop a few feet away.

Opening my eyes, I was met with an unfamiliar ceiling. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The last thing I remembered was running through the woods, making a break for it towards Micha's Territory.

Oh shit. Micah.

I sat up too quickly, groaning at the ache in my skull and dropping my head into my hands. Slowly, I blinked my eyes back open, lifting my head to look around, taking in my surroundings.

I was in a hospital, that sickly familiar scent they all carried clinging to the air. The blinding lights also giving it away as my vision attempted to adjust.

To be honest, I knew it was Micah in the room with me. His scent almost instantly giving him away. I was reluctant to look at him. Once I finally did, I mentally prepared myself before blurting out,

"Forgive me for asking, but, where the fuck am I?"

Micah's already opened jaw dropped nearly to the floor and without even answering me, he turned on his heels. Yanking the door open, he yelled out,

"Lily! Doctors! He's awake!"

He turned back around, rushing to my side. I flinched away from him, nearly falling off the bed at his quick movement.

I flinched again, my hands going to my head at the surge of pain,

"Ugh, I have a headache." A whimper slipped past my lips, a pounding behind my skull making my vision blurry.

"I'm surprised a headache is all you have, love. You came here in quite the state, sure gave us a shock." A woman's voice spoke, she sounded gentle and kind. Her words met my ears softly, almost comfortingly. "Nice to meet you, my name is Lily."

I opened my eyes to look at her where she stood, at the end of my bed. She had bouncy salt and peppered curls dancing at her shoulders, a crinkle at the corners of her brown eyes as she smiled at me. Her gaze met mine almost gently. She radiated warmth and kindness. She seemed almost familiar to me.

"I'm Blake." Smiling at her, I waited to hear what she had to say.

"Hello Blake." She stopped to return my smile, "Now, if you're feeling well enough, I'd like to discuss next steps." She reached down, picking up the clipboard attached to the edge of the bed.

Micah shifted at my side and I could feel my body tense ever so slightly at his proximity, feeling his arm graze mine. My hands felt clammy in my lap. Choosing to ignore him, I nodded to Lily, offering her a smile.

She returned it, the lovely crinkles squinting at her eyes as her lips pulled up. She seemed so genuine.

"To put it simply, you need to stay here for at least a week. You're severely dehydrated and malnourished. We'll be feeding you an IV of fluids and electrolytes until you put on some weight. For the moment though, all you need is rest." She pauses, scribbling something down. "How old are you, love?" She glanced back up to me, one of her eyebrows raised expectantly.

I shifted uncomfortably in the bed, toying with my thumbs in my lap.

"What day is it? How long was I asleep?" The words came out nearly croaked, my throat dry. Bitting at my still sore lip, I chanced a glance at Micah. He was already looking at me, an unknown emotion swirling in his clear eyes. I snapped my head away from him, letting my gaze fall back on Lily.

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