Chapter 1

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"Hurry Up and get in!" yells a guard who pushes you in with the rest.

"W-wait, I think there-

"Stop talking before I shut you up myself!" he yells again

You push your lips together, not to make a single sound. ' did it turn out like this?'

The boat departed, and everyone looked grime. Well, of course, they would look like that. After all, they are the criminal who were sent to the fortress of Marophine.

You know full well, but what you got here is another story. It's because-

"GET OFF! We don't have all day!" the guard shouted

You don't know what to do as they keep yelling for no reason, 'I want to go home...' You follow everyone out as they are told what to do.

"Starting from today, this is your new life. Heh, that should be enough for the like of you," the guards added.

Everyone makes their way to wherever they want, and you walk up to a guard, "U-um, I have a bit of a problem. You see, I'm-

"Shut it," the guards said, "what you're used to before doesn't concern me. Now scam!" he left.

"But, but..." You look confused. You have never committed any crime, but to be treated like a criminal feels the worst. "maybe I'll go look for her to clear some misunderstanding..."

You finally find the strength to walk, and you make your way here and there but get lost. You almost fought with a lady because you bumped into her.

"Ha...where is she?" you give in, "I'm not used to running, I'm tired." you want to sleep.

You look down, and a little later, you see people's feet before you. When you look up, you know the guard crossing his arms, face growling at you, "What do you think you're doing?"


"Aren't you supposed to work? Are you skipping today? Where is your coupon?" he demands.

"Coupon? I don't think I have one-

"THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE! GET BACK TO WORK!" he shouted, making you jump along.

"Y-yes!" you quickly stand up and run to find work. "I-I want to go home..." you try not to cry.

After a while, you have some work to do and earn this so-called coupon with the same value as Mora. You look around again to look for someone.

'Where could she be? Maybe she will be in the infirmary? But I checked it, and she was not in... perhaps she was eating? Fighting arena? Or maybe she was forced to work too-

You bump into someone. "I'm sorry," you quickly apologize.

"It's fine," he replies.

Without looking at his face, you nod and continue on your way again. 'If I can't find her today, maybe I'll return tomorrow? But how do I get out of here? They all think that I'm a criminal...should I wait somewhere-

"Look out!" a hand grabs you from behind and pulls you close to him.

You come to a halt when seeing a big hole in front of you. "W-Wha- I-I almost die."

"Yeah, you almost did," the voice you just heard a moment ago

"Thank you! You save me." you feel relief seeing yourself in one piece.

"Don't worry about it," he said. His blue eyes gaze on you, who still does not look up to him. "do you have a habit of not looking at people's faces or something?"

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