Chapter 11

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"Y/n, aren't you scared to travel by yourself all the time? Won't it be a girl?"

"Not really," you reply, eating a piece of fruit "I never encountered any problems"

"Yeah, but what if you do?"

"Hmm, that would be no good, isn't it?" You answer, "I just have to avoid them somehow"

"You know that you can't do that forever..."

"True, I just don't like fighting" you sigh* picking up another piece of fruit "but if the situation is bad, I guess I can force my hand a bit" You smile

Flashback end-

  Wriothesly ran to where the boy showed him. His men are behind him for some distance.

'What were you thinking of going alone?!' his heartbeat keeps ringing in his head 'What to do if anything happens to you, y/n?'

  He arrives at the scene where there are many men around her, she is standing in the middle without moving. They made eye contact, and a smile suddenly appeared on her.

  He dashes at them, pushes them away, and pulls her to him "Your grace, you're here" she lets out a smile. He looks at her all over to not find any bruises or injuries.

"Why are you here?!" He shouted at her, "Don't you know it is dangerous?" His face is full of worry.

"...I'm sorry" You know it too that it's wrong to barge in by yourself like that "but I can't ignore them and you know you can't stop me" you point for him to take a look.

  He looks around, seeing many cages and cells with children trapped in there "Ha...what a horrible sight"

"Right?" You nodded, "That is the culprit" You point to the men standing in front of everyone.

"Yes, is it I, Ravital" he bows, "A pleasure to meet you, my Duke"

"What with the way he speaking?" The Duke got goosebumps.

"He's on drugs, no matter what you say or how you will threaten him. It won't work, he has too far gone" you shake your head as you explain, "but you won't have any problems making him confess, he loses all of his brain muscle"

" did you know?"

"I encountered something similar in my journey"

"Hmm, I see...I will deal with him, while you-

"I will go unlock the children" As words leave your mouth, you quickly go from one cell to another.

   He stands there speechless 'Doesn't she know what danger is?'

"My Duke! Welcome to my heaven, do you like this place?"

" reminds me of something unpleasant" he rolls his eyes, "now let's go"

"But I don't want to leave this place...Oh, I know, how about you stay here with us, your grace! Your lover can stay too, of course"

"Lover?" He pauses and thinks, he glances at Y/n " we seem like that?"

"Yes! I never seem the way you look at other women like the way you look at her, oh! I know! I can give her to you as a gift"

  A tick mark appears on his head "A gift? When did she belong to you?"

"The moment she caught my eyes" Raviral went on and on, "the moment she walked in, nothing mattered anymore. The way her (e/c) eyes shine, her beautiful (h/c) hair, and her smooth skin...haaa~ Don't you just want to break her, your grace-

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