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In the quiet heart of the city, where laughter was scarce and worries hung heavy in the air, lived a girl named Lita Rosalés. Her world revolved around her younger brother, Mateo, a boy born into a life shadowed by a rare and cruel fate. 

One in a hundred babies carried a heart disease within them, and Mateo was among this unfortunate few. His heart, twice the size of an average one, dictated the rhythm of their lives, casting a somber pallor over their once joyful home.

For Lita, every beat of Mateo's fragile heart echoed the purpose of her existence. It wasn't just love that bound them; it was an unyielding determination to keep him happy, a fierce fight against an unrelenting disease. 

Their mother, Maria, had chosen a demanding career over her family, leaving Lita's father, Victor, to shoulder the burden alone. Medical bills piled high, and the hope for a donor heart flickered like a distant star, out of reach but never forgotten.

In the midst of this heavy reality, Lita stumbled upon an unexpected glimmer of solace—a mysterious boy named Paul, whose presence felt like the workings of fate. Their encounter, serendipitous yet strangely fated, brought with it an air of mystery.

 Paul's eyes held secrets, his smile concealed depths unknown to her. In the moments they shared, Lita sensed an unspoken understanding, a connection that transcended the ordinary.

Paul was a puzzle wrapped in enigma, a person whose presence seemed to stir something within her, something unspoken yet profoundly real. As they exchanged words and fleeting glances, Lita found herself drawn to him, wondering about the mysteries he carried with him.

 Little did she know that this chance meeting would unravel more than she could ever anticipate, pulling her into a world where secrets intertwined with fate, and where answers came at a price she hadn't yet fathomed.

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𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓•𝗣𝗔𝗨𝗟 𝗟𝗔𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗘Where stories live. Discover now