Part 3 - Mismatched Worlds

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After the festival...

Akiko held her mother's hand and both walked towards their home. While walking heard Akiko the joy and excitement in the voice of her mother.

She smiled at her Akiko saw her mother smiling like that last time when she was born, well it's what her mother always said.

While listening to her mother, Akiko thought about that glowing rock. While thinking her smile disappeared. She thought " What was that glow around it?" While thinking this. Akiko didn't notice her mother looking at her with concern.

Yuko looked at her daughter with concern and held her hand thing. She walked upfront her daughter and held her hand against her head.

This snapped Akiko of her thoughts, she looked how her mother looked at her with concern. So she took her mother hand down and held it in her hands.

While holding her mother's hand Akiko smiled at her to let her know that everything was alright. Yuko didn't believe her but didn't ask anything further.

Akiko and Yuko held each other's hands and walked to their home.

When they reached their home they opened the door and walked inside Akiko let her mother first inside and she locked the door from the inside.

Yuko walked to the small kitchen and took a bottle of water and poured it inside the bowl and heated it up. She saw the water boiling , she took her hand and held it up to the steam to know when it was done cooking. While Yuko was waiting for the water to boil.

Akiko looked at her mother and saw that she was busy so she walked to the small room where the bathroom was but it was not exactly a bathroom. It was an empty small room with a hole in the middle where the so called toilet stood.

Next to it was a small wooden box with a hole inside of it to let the water flow through it. Akiko walked to the streaming water and washed her hands. She took a hold of her broken nail and saw how it turned purple.

Akiko placed her finger inside the stream and let it cool down. She saw how to stream opened her nail and she bit her lips to avoid the tears inside her eyes. She felt a sting inside her lips and felt a metal taste inside her mouth.

She cringed at the taste and placed her finger down out of the stream and replaced it with her mouth she saw how her blood flooded into the water.

After 1 minute she felt the metal taste going away from her mouth and she took her mouth away from the stream and started walking towards the leafs close to the water and plunged one out. She wrapped the leaf around her finger and placed inside her pocket.

When she was done placing her hand inside her pocket she heard her mother voice and she knew she was down cooking.

Akiko walked back to the kitchen and saw her mother placing the water on the bowl. Akiko said " I'm not going to eat". When Yuko heard her daughter say that she nodded her head and asked " Are you sleepy?" She saw Akiko nodding her head and she smiled at her cute action.

Yuko nodded her head in understanding and Akiko nodded back and like that Yuko saw her daughter walking to their shared bed.

Akiko lied down on the floor and held the blanket towards herself. She said goodnight to her mother and closed her eyes.

Yuko smiled when she heard her daughter and she wished her back good night. After watching her daughter lie down. Yuko continued drinking the water.

Akiko heard her mother drinking the dinner and she smiled. Akiko heard her mother washing the dishes and later she felt her mother walking towards her. And felt her body slowly moving underneath the blanket.

She heard her mother whispering I love you too her and held her close to her chest and with that they both felt asleep inside each others arms.

Short chapter, the next one will be longer!

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