Part 4 - Mismatched Worlds

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Ni-ki heard his mother voice telling him to come to eat breakfast. He opened his eyes and saw how his room looked everywhere he looked and he saw colors reflecting on his mirrors.

While getting up ni-ki thought about the glow of that night. He held his necklace again and saw that it wasn't glowing.

He shook his head and got up from his bed to get ready for the special day.

The first school day of the year.

He walked up to his bathroom and washed his face and did his skincare routine. After he was done he brushed his teeth's.

When he was done, he got ready for his first school day of the year. He was so excited about the idea of meeting new people.

The reason why he's so excited is that he always got home schooled by his parents. This time finally he told his parents that he wanted to go to a real school and meet new people and make friends.

His parents accepted it and since then he's gotten more happier. He wore his uniform and walked out of his room to the dining room.

He saw his father reading the newspaper and saw his mother cooking. He walked towards them and said with excitement in his tone " Good morning".

He saw how his mother and father looked at him and he saw how they smiled at him. His parents said back " Good morning son".

Ni-ki smiled at his parents and walked to them to hug both of them and he gave a kiss to his mother.

He saw his mother smiling at him and whispered " Sit down breakfast is almost ready". He nodded his head and walked to his father and sat down with him.

The father smiled at his son and whispered " Are you excited for your first day?" He saw his son nodding his head up and down like an excited puppy.

He heard his son say " Thank you for this opportunity". The father nodded his head and petted his son on his head.

When the father pulled his hand back from his son he saw his wife walking to them with the breakfast in her hands.

Both men smiled at the woman, the mother said " come on let's eat" so the family at their breakfast together with a relaxing silence.

After breakfast...

Ni-ki was satisfied with the food and thanked his mother for the amazing breakfast. He heard his mother say that she will always make sure he eats enough. While hearing this he felt a warm feeling in his stomach.

Ni-ki adorned both his parents, he heard his father say " Come on I'm going to drop you off ". Ni-ki nodded his head and got up and walked to the door.

He saw how his parents were talking and hugging each other. He smiled but felt a stinging feeling in his chest. He placed his hand on his chest and felt how heart felt it felt heavy.

While shaking his feelings away he felt his mother hand on his cheek and he leaned on her hand. The mother caressed her son's cheek and wished him good luck.

She saw her song nodding his head, she nodded her head too and smiled. She took her hand away from his cheek and waved goodbye.

Ni-ki saw how his mother walked back in the kitchen to what he guessed to do the dishes. He took his bag and took one last glance at his mother and yelled back "see you later mom" He heard his mother saying okay.

He placed his hand on the door lock and twisted it open. He saw his father waiting for him on the doorway. He looked at his father and smiled at him. The father returned the smile back to his son.

While driving the car the father saw how his son looked everywhere with sparks in his eyes. The father averted his eyes and looked back at the road.

Ni-ki saw how the outside world looked, he saw how the beautiful night sky was shining above them. He looked how the waves were moving around the village.

He saw people walking around with their children and their friends. He felt sad while looking at them and back to himself. He saw how the villagers were walking with torn clothes. And that they were not wearing shoes.

He felt guilty about it, he wore good condition clothes and expensive shoes. Made from perfect fabric and material. He felt warm and fuzzy, and the villagers were thrilling because of the cold weather.

While looking at the people, he felt the car pause and saw his father looking at the road. He looked ahead to and saw how the people crossed the road.

He saw the people looking at them with jealousy in their eyes. The father didn't care about the poor people who looked at them with jealousy.

But his son looked ashamed and avoided everyone's eyes on him. He felt his heart beating faster and felt like sweating. While looking down he heard his father chuckle.

Ni-ki faced his father and saw how he didn't care for the poor people. He's father was the total opposite of him. The father didn't care about poor people or others he only cares about his family.

The father had enough with all the eyes watching them. He pressed on the horn and he saw how everyone flinched excitedly his son to.

The villagers walked away from the car and walked back to their houses or works. Ni-ki saw the people walking away. He felt the car moving again.

Before he could look back ahead he saw a young girl standing on the street with a young woman next to her. He felt the girls gaze on him and saw that she looked at him with disgust.

Ni-ki averted his eyes from the girl and saw how the woman next to the girl whisper something in her ear and saw the girl looking at the woman and saw how they both walked away.

Without realizing he felt warm spreading to his face and felt his heart beating faster. He placed his hands on his cheeks felt how hot they got, and he felt his stomach flipping around.

He didn't understand the feelings he felt now but he got scared. He looked at his father and saw him looking at the road.

Ni-ki looked at his lap and tried to calm his heart down and to relax.

While Ni-ki was busy calming down, he didn't feel the car stop and he felt a hand on his shoulder. He flicked at the contact and looked back up and saw his father looking at him with worry.

He heard his father say " Are you okay?" Ni-ki nodded his head and scratched his head. He struggled his feelings away and smiled at his father to let him know he's okay.

The father nodded his head and said " We are here son". Ni-ki looked at his father with widening eyes. He looked outside and the first thing he saw were teenagers his age talking with each other and he saw that they uniform matched with each other.

He looked at his father and said " Thank you for giving me a ride to school". He heard his father say no problem. He nodded his head and waved goodbye to his father and stepped out the care.

The father waved back and wished his son good luck. Ni-ki nodded his head and closed the door, he saw his father driving away.

Ni-ki looked around and saw everyone speaking with each other while he stood there alone. While feeling nervous he looked at the school and smiled at the new beginning of his life.

While thinking positively he walked to the entrance of the building. But what he didn't know is that a young girl was looking at him with hatred.

To be continued...


Hope you guys liked the chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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