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5 months later

We were 5 months into the 4th year I was on guard I was planning to take the boys out on a date I was walking to the great hall alone running a bit late I was still on guard A lot never knowing what would happen. I remain calm and I think back to the boys My smile lighting up as I continue to walk I hum softly n then enter the hall.. my face falls as I see someone familiar

"Sarah?" I ask and she turns to me with a smirk I shudder visibly tensing as she walks up to me and.. Says "Hii!"

"why are u here?" I ask my voice cold I see Regulus holding back my mates knowing Who she is

Sarah said, "It's time.."

"no. No no no! Please Sarah I just met them I can't.."

Sarah said "We don't have a choice u know What happens..."

"I refuse to go!"

Sarah said "u would betray them? U know u and Regulus will be killed!"

"I will betray them and I protect my family!"

Sarah growled and I glared my eyes glowing gold she stood down quickly leaving I glared at everybody who tried to look at me then I rushed out

James pov

"im worried about her" I say to my other two mates as we go after our girl Sirius sighs n says "I know.. she hasn't talked to us a lot.. do u think she's OK? What if she doesn't want to be with us?"

I turn to Sirius and kiss him calming him down before pulling away with a nip on his lip we hadn't Made out with each other since Sera joined I giggle as I see Remus blushing And I kiss him too my hands going to his waist before we separate "u two calm now?" They nodded still red I giggled and we continued to walk we caught up to Seraphina and I walked over placing a hand on her shoulder as Sirius n Remus Stood by Us I hugged the female letting my body fall to the floor as we all hugged i whisper to her "u wanna talk about it?" i briefly felt her shake her head and then pick her up whispering soothingly words to her as i balance her holding tightly as we walk to the gryffindor dorms Regulus was there and he looks at us shocked i tilt my head and watch them as sirius and remus were talking Regulus said "Sera we have to go now"

Seraphina's POV

"James hun can u put me down please?" he nods settling me down gently as i turn to regulus and say "lets go talk to minnie.. its time'' he nods sadly tears in his eyes and i hug him reassuringly as we walked off my mates follow and i dont pay any attention as i kept a hand on regulus's back trying to calm him and myself down before we got to dumbledore and Mcgongall we see barty crouch Junior Evan rosier and Lucius and pandora standing together as we enter i spoke clearly "Goldenapples" the office statue jumped aside and we walk in faces now going blank

we walk up to dumbledore and my face lit up seeing amelia Bones a friend of mine standing with aurors

"Hello professors'' i nod respectfully to each professor minus Dumbledore

McGonagall spoke first "Hello Seraphina i understand u wish to leave the school. what can we do to get u to stay?"

"stop the bullying. bring back the ways of the purebloods. if u do not do these things then we will be leaving. my friends agreed to stay and we are going to open our own magic school and do a magic orphanage"

Dumbledore spoke next "Seraphina my dear girl Im sure u understand why we cant allow the ways of the pureblood? its insulting to muggleborns!"

"i did not give u permission to use My Name dumbledore. u shall adress me as Miss. Nothing else. Nothing more.''

"as for muggleborns. we need a place they can learn about purebloods. if u wish to stop dark lords rising and killing Every. single. one. of them. U will do that. if not this is where we part professors.''

Slughorn spoke next "Quite frankly the war aganist slytherins and Gryffindors are insane. i have seen first years in tears Because of gryffindors. Minerva are u able to talk to ur lions?"

i snorted and they all turn to me

"with all due respect ur lions are idiots Mcgongall. they bully me because im friends with slytherins. i have seen First year slytherins being beaten due to the lions."

regulus now spoke

"Not only does it cause a bigger rift in the slytherin house. many slytherins have dark cores which makes all light cored Gryffindors ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs believe they are the next Bloody dark lord or lady!"

lucius walks over and puts a hand on regulus calming him down i walk over to pandora as i see she was bubbling with Anger then i hum softly to her and then Minnie said

"Albus surely we can talk about it? They are our best students?"

dumbledore- Unfortunely no Minerva It will be insulting to muggleborns

"very well. Guys go pack ur bags" I tell my friends they nod walking off I turn to my mates and was about to talk but Sirius said "we are coming with u"

minerva- Then I quit too

the other staff stand up as well

"thank u" I say then I hear a knock on the door and see a first year

I bent down

"hey little one? What's the matter?"

I spoke with such kindness I make sure to comfort the young boy

boy- Some kids because I'm a orphan and I get abused.. I don't wanna go home please don't make me

"hey hey whatcha say we go to a magical place yeah?"

boy- Really?

"yeah and u can see all ur friends and family! We'll take care of u" I hug the boy n pick him up easily I frown at his weight n then nod goodbye to the other professors before I walk out my mates following

"what's ur name little one?" He said quietly "Oliver"

"nice to meet u Oliver I'm Seraphina these are my soulmates Sirius Black Remus Lupin and James potter"

I nod quietly to myself singing a soft lullaby as the Boy fell asleep in my arms we walked to the great hall for a small announcement

"students of hogwarts. This is where we part. for people who dont know me i am Seraphina.. my lastname is definitely not important to u. Unfortunely my time at Hogwarts has come to a end. if any Slytherins. hufflepuffs. ravenclaws. Face bullying here u are welcome to come with us'' as i say this many students stand up i frown as i see 4th years and 1st years from slytherin my mates stand by my side n they wrap their hands around my waist i blush at the contact as a student spoke "we stand by u Seraphina'' i nod in thanks and then i instruct the students to circle and i use my powers hard as i spoke in soft french

"Mère magie, s'il vous plaît, permettez-nous de nous téléporter à l'endroit que j'appelle chez moi. personne ne saura que les secrets resteront, nous vous honorons toujours et pour toujours"

(Mother magic Please Allow us to teleport to the place I call home. no one shall know secrets will remain we honour you always and forever)

with a matter of minutes we were gone from the school of hogwarts the professors of hogwarts with us

Authors note

I apologies for the inactiveness tbh I lost interest in the lyra and the betrayal I really tried but I cant continue it Ill probably discontinue it and leave it up for yall to read this chapter is very messy and isn't edited very well that being said I have been craving to edit smut so would u guys like the next chapter being 5 months later and smut? or do u want 3 chapters for the dates for the boys?
Next chapter posted will be pictures of the school

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