VICE VERSA (Moonsun)

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The cozy, cluttered apartment was filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee, a familiar aroma that had become the soundtrack to Moonbyul's life since college. She leaned against the kitchen counter, gazing out the window at the bustling street below. Her mind wandered back to the days when life was simpler, back to her college years.

Moonbyul and Yongsun had been friends ever since they'd met in a literature class during their freshman year. Yongsun's captivating smile and magnetic personality had drawn Moonbyul in like a moth to a flame. They quickly became inseparable, their friendship deepening with every shared secret and late-night study session. Moonbyul admired Yongsun for her artistic talent, her ability to see beauty in the mundane, and her unwavering optimism.

But somewhere along the way, their paths diverged. While Yongsun's admiration for Moonbyul had turned into a deep, unspoken love, Moonbyul remained blissfully unaware. She continued to see Yongsun as her dearest friend, her confidante, her partner in all things life had to offer.

After graduation, Moonbyul and Yongsun decided to take their friendship to the next level and moved in together. Moonbyul's pragmatic approach to life had resulted in their cozy, orderly apartment, a place that felt like home. To Moonbyul, their life together was the embodiment of a lifelong friendship, nothing more, nothing less.

Yongsun, on the other hand, had different hopes and dreams. Her feelings for Moonbyul had only grown stronger with time, and she found herself yearning for a deeper connection. She had started to dream about a life with Moonbyul, filled with shared laughter, whispered confessions, and stolen kisses.

As the months turned into years, Yongsun's feelings became impossible to ignore. She made a conscious decision to make Moonbyul fall in love with her. She believed that if she showed Moonbyul her love and affection, the spark she longed for would ignite between them.

Yongsun cooked Moonbyul's favorite meals, leaving little notes that expressed her feelings in subtle ways. She gave thoughtful gifts, planned spontaneous outings, and even tried her hand at flirting. But it seemed that no matter how hard she tried, Moonbyul remained oblivious to her advances. She would simply smile, thank Yongsun, and go on with their lives as if nothing had changed.

Frustration and heartache started to wear Yongsun down. She would lie awake at night, wondering if Moonbyul would ever see her as more than just a friend. Yongsun knew that her unrequited love was becoming a heavy burden, but she couldn't bring herself to leave. Moonbyul's presence in her life was something she couldn't bear to lose.

One evening, after another day of trying to win Moonbyul's heart, Yongsun sat down to write a letter. She poured her heart onto the page, confessing her love in words that she could never say out loud. The letter was a testament to her feelings, a silent plea for Moonbyul to see what was right in front of her. With tears in her eyes, Yongsun left the letter on Moonbyul's pillow and made a decision that would change the course of their lives.

The following morning, Moonbyul woke up to find Yongsun's letter. Her hands trembled as she read the words that had been hidden for so long. Yongsun's confession was raw, heartfelt, and filled with love. It was the moment of truth that Moonbyul had never expected.

The realization hit her like a tidal wave. She'd been blind to Yongsun's feelings all this time. The friendship they had shared, the laughter, the late-night conversations—they all held a deeper meaning for Yongsun, a meaning Moonbyul had failed to see. The weight of her own feelings started to sink in, feelings that had been buried deep within her heart.

But it was too late. Yongsun was gone. Moonbyul felt a profound sense of despair, as if a part of her had been torn away. She had to find Yongsun, to make her understand that the love she'd yearned for was real, and that it was reciprocated.

Moonbyul searched for Yongsun everywhere. She called friends, visited their favorite places, and scoured the city for any trace of her. Her journey led her to the park where they had spent countless hours during their college days, a place filled with memories of laughter, shared dreams, and whispered secrets.

There, beneath the shade of a cherry blossom tree, Moonbyul finally found Yongsun. She was sitting on the same bench they had used to share so many stories. Moonbyul approached her, her heart pounding with nervous energy.

"Yongsun," Moonbyul said, her voice quivering, "I've been looking for you everywhere. I didn't realize how much you meant to me until you were gone. I can't bear to lose you."

Yongsun turned to look at Moonbyul, her eyes filled with both longing and pain. "Byul, I left because I couldn't bear the ache of loving you without any hope. I wanted more than friendship, and when I realized you couldn't give that to me, I thought it was best to leave."

Moonbyul sat down beside Yongsun, her heart heavy with regret. "Yong, I never realized how much you meant to me, and I'm so sorry for not seeing your feelings earlier. I've been blind to what was right in front of me."

Yongsun looked at her, her eyes softening. "Byul, I didn't want to lose our friendship either, but I couldn't bear to be just friends when I loved you so deeply."

Moonbyul reached out and took Yongsun's hand in her own. "Yong, I don't want to lose you either. I want to be more than friends. I want to be with you, to love you in the way you've loved me."

Yongsun's heart swelled with hope, and she gave Moonbyul a shy smile. "Byul, if you mean that, then prove it to me. Show me that you want to be with me, that you're ready to take the risk of love. I want to see efforts you put then I'll consider it."

Moonbyul nodded with determination. "I'll do whatever it takes, Yong. I don't want to lose you again. I promise that you won't regret choosing me."

Over the next few months, Moonbyul put in every effort to win Yongsun's heart. They went on romantic dates, shared their deepest secrets, and learned to communicate their feelings openly and honestly. Moonbyul realized that she had fallen in love with Yongsun, and it was a love that had always been there but had taken time to recognize.

Yongsun, in turn, opened her heart to Moonbyul, allowing herself to believe that their love was meant to be. She saw the sincerity in Moonbyul's efforts and knew that this was a love worth fighting for.

Finally, after a year of courtship, Moonbyul proposed to Yongsun beneath the same cherry blossom tree where they'd first met in college. 

"Kim yongsun, will you marry me? Be my wife and my lifetime partner?" Moonbyul kneel down.

"Yes Byul. I want to be your wife. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you." Yongsun, with tears in her eyes, accepted the proposal. 

A month ahead, they began planning their wedding. Their love story, once marred by unrequited love and misunderstanding, had transformed into a lifelong partnership filled with trust, understanding, and unwavering love. Moonbyul and Yongsun married under that same cherry blossom tree, surrounded by friends and family, and they lived happily ever after, never taking their love for granted again.

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