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Moonbyul had it all - success, a thriving business, and a family he cherished. He was married to Krystal, a woman he had met during his college days, and together, they had a pair of beautiful twin boys who were the light of his life. Life seemed perfect until he stumbled upon a painful truth that shattered his world.

On their 6th aniversary, Moonbyul discovered that his wife, Krystal, was having an affair with none other than his best friend, Seokjin for 3 years without any suspicion. The betrayal cut deep, and it didn't take long for Moonbyul to realize that his marriage was irreparably broken. With a heavy heart, he chose to divorce Krystal, and their twin boys were left to navigate the complexities of a broken family. Moonbyul felt sorry for his twin but this is the best choice that he only had to remove

The divorce left Moonbyul scarred, and he swore off relationships, determined never to open his heart to love again. For years, he lived a solitary life, put aside his feelings, focusing all his energy on his successful business and the upbringing of his twin sons. He does not care about all women who just passed by in his life just to taste his wealthy. His only concern is his twin's happiness. That's all matter to him.

However, life had other plans for Moonbyul. His sons were growing up, and they needed the influence of a woman in their lives. It was in this context that he encountered Yongsun, a cheerful and nurturing preschool teacher at the boys' school. At first, Moonbyul kept his distance, reluctant to let anyone enter his life again. But Yongsun's warmth, kindness, and dedication to his sons were undeniable. She treated the boys as if they were her own, and her genuine care gradually chipped away at the walls Moonbyul had built around his heart.

As time passed, Moonbyul's cold and distant exterior began to thaw, and he couldn't help but be drawn to Yongsun's infectious joy and her unwavering support of his sons. He found himself admiring her from afar, but his past experiences haunted him, and he was fearful of exposing himself to the vulnerabilities of love once more.

Yongsun, on the other hand, was a happy-go-lucky spirit who exuded positivity. She had a deep affection for the twins and enjoyed every moment spent with them. She even volunteered to babysit them when Moonbyul's work commitments kept him away. Her love for the boys was evident, and it didn't take long for the twins to consider her an essential part of their lives. The boys not only loves being around yongsun but also already consider Yongsun as their mother.

However, just as their connection deepened, Yongsun decided to take a bold step. She chose to further her studies in Japan, leaving without any prior notice. Moonbyul was left stunned and regretful, realizing that he had not mustered the courage to confess his feelings to Yongsun. The void left by her absence weighed heavily on him.

Four long years passed, and life continued, but Moonbyul's heart remained incomplete. Then, in a serendipitous encounter at the mall, he found Yongsun once again, this time with his eleven-year-old twins. Their eyes met, and in that moment, the unspoken truth hung in the air like a promise. Moonbyul's heart was filled with a love he had never known before, and Yongsun's smile told him that her feelings were reciprocated. Their reunion was a moment of unspoken longing, and the boys, in their own wisdom, decided to give destiny a little nudge.

Yongsun, who had been living in Japan, shared the reason behind her abrupt departure, explaining that she had to pursue her studies, but she also confessed that she had left without ever revealing her true feelings for Moonbyul. The revelation shocked Moonbyul, but he was not one to let love slip through his fingers again. He confessed his own feelings, and much to his delight, Yongsun reciprocated. They decided to make up for the lost years and embraced a second chance at love.

Their love blossomed, and the couple decided to marry. However, just when it seemed like they were about to embark on a lifetime of happiness, an unexpected twist threatened their newfound love. Krystal, Moonbyul's ex-wife, resurfaced and made it clear that she wanted him back. Moonbyul was torn between the past and his future with Yongsun.

The day Krystal arrived and met Moonbyul at a coffee house, Yongsun walked in unexpectedly. Seeing Moonbyul with his ex-wife, Yongsun assumed the worst and without saying a word, she turned and left. Moonbyul was left in a state of anguish, grappling with the remnants of his past and his uncertain future.

For three long and agonizing months, Moonbyul searched for Yongsun without success. He was trapped in a labyrinth of regrets, longing for the woman he loved. It was then that his twin boys, wise beyond their years, took matters into their own hands. They knew the truth about their mother's betrayal when they were young, and now, they wanted to reunite their father with the woman they knew he truly loved. They believed that their caring father only deserved for kind hearted person.

Through some miraculous chain of events, they managed to contact Yongsun. Moonbyul, overwhelmed with gratitude, realized the extent of his sons' love and understanding. They had become the bridge to his happiness. They meet and through the eyes, they send messages that were filled with unspoken emotions, and they both knew that their love had evolved into something more profound. Moonbyul couldn't help but feel that Yongsun had become a part of him, a piece of his heart that he couldn't bear to lose.

The reunion between Moonbyul and Yongsun was an emotional whirlwind. Moonbyul and Yongsun's connection blossomed into a love that was as vibrant and beautiful as sand on the beach. Theirs was a love that transcended the boundaries of words, a love that was all about understanding and appreciation. They picked up the pieces of their love, never to let go again.

One evening, as they stood beneath the cherry blossom tree, the pink petals falling like confetti around them, Moonbyul turned to Yongsun with a smile. "Yong, forgive me for not expressing my love earlier. I promise to cherish every moment with you."

Yongsun's response was to take Moonbyul's hand and hold it tightly, a testament to the love they had found in the midst of life's complexities. "Byul, I forgive you, and I love you. Let's create a love story that's as beautiful as the cherry blossoms in spring."

Moonbyul, determined not to waste any more time, proposed to Yongsun, who accepted wholeheartedly, understanding that their love was worth any trials they might face.

A month later, they sealed their love with a picturesque wedding in Jeju Island. And a year after that, Yongsun gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, the symbol of their enduring love and commitment. As they walked through the city hand in hand, Moonbyul couldn't help but reflect on the serendipitous journey that had brought him to this point. Yongsun had become the most important part of his life, and he knew that their love was a masterpiece that could only continue to evolve and deepen.

In a world that often seemed chaotic and unpredictable, Moonbyul and Yongsun had found each other through the twin, and they had discovered that sometimes, love was all about appreciating people and emotions that made life beautiful and unforgettable. Moonbyul, Yongsun, and their three children lived together, crafting a harmonious and blissful family. Their love story, born from admiration and hidden feelings, had transformed into a lifelong partnership, a journey of shared dreams, and a reminder that love can be found in the most unexpected places, even in the random preschool. The trials of their past had only served to strengthen the love they had found once more.

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