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Chelsey woke up smiling and snuggling into her fiancé.  She kissed his lips gently and went to his cheek. He smiled in his sleep. Chelsey rubbed his curly hair and she was about to get up and make breakfast but wenston held her close and he was strong.  Chelsey adored that kissing his arm and shoulders. His phone rang and he woke up and answered it stretching.
"Grandpa! What's up. ....OK I have time....I'll be there. " Wenston stretched again. 
"What was that about?"
"He wants us to go to the derby race with him. "
"Y-Yes? Why is that shocking?" Wenston asked her.
"I don't know I'm not used to this ." Chelsey admitted. "But I'm coming with you only because I never been to that sort of thing before ."
"I have and I only like going for gambling I have a gift for always being right but not this time I sorta spent all my money on the ring and the camera. " Chelseys jaw dropped.
"Yuh what? "
"Nothing. "
"WOOOOOO!!! GO LIGHTNING!!!" Chelsey shouted with willow. Chelsey didn't know this was about Harold's last days of living a normal life with Katherine.  The couple cheered with their granddaughter in laws while Paul and wenston got snacks. They came back.
"YOUR GOING DOWN STRETCH!" Chelsey shouted and the stretch fans started throwing popcorn at her. Wenstons head turned to them.
"Place a bet on lightning. " Wenston told her. She looked at willow.
"Do it!" Willow encouraged.  Chelsey placed a bet that was big enough to pay wenston back for the ring and camera and to pay off the medical bills for the grandparents who said they wanted no help. Chelsey came back and wenston asked her how much and she refused to answer.
Lightning stood in front of her and she petted him and he nestled on her hand.
"My name is Chelsey nice to meet you. You gotta win because I placed a bet on you." Chelsey whispered to the horse and he nayed as if he understood her. Wenston watched her communicate with the horse . It was like she understood their language. 
The race started and Chelsey and willow were shouting go Lightning go!
"You think he's got it?" Harold asked Katherine.
"I think so. " Katherine admitted . Harold kissed her head making her smile. Suddenly Fredrick her late husband appeared by her.
"Lucky nice to see ya." He said and Katherine told Harold she had to pee. She went to the empty hall and Fredrick appeared.
"Is it my turn now?" She asked not ready to go.
"Actually no. You see he's giving you two about 10 more years then you'll see your grandkids. And um then we can catch up." Fredrick said and Katherine smiled as she did when he did something kind.
"Tell him thank you ." Katherine said and Fredrick smiled at her and held her hand.
"Glad you made someone lucky. " Fredrick disappeared and she heard Harold's footsteps. She wiped her tears and turned to him.
"I assumed you got lost kathie."
"No no.....I've been here almost 50 times with you I'm not lost but....I do have a message it's our secret though. " Katherine said and Harold went to her.
"It's our time yet?"
"No Actually Fredrick told me we have 10 more years we've got other grandkids to see. That means we'll be able 75 then." Katherine answered doing the math.
"That is a good secret let's tell the next generation though so they won't be surprised. " Harold said thinking of Jason. "After all they're the sons I never had and my daughters. "
"Aww Harry. Why don't ya say that to them?"
"Men don't say those things so sudden Kathie darling ." Harold explained and the couple walked back to their seat. Chelsey was counting cash .
"Aye! You won a load!" Harold said with widened eyes.
"When I bet I bet big for future references too." Chelsey said and Wenston was proud.
Katherine and Harold got home and they saw a fat stack of money.
"To my new grandparents.  I won't take it back. " Katherine automatically knew who it was.
"Bless her heart.  " Harold said with a smile.
"We aren't gonna die any time soon though. " Katherine reminded him.
"No but we can save half and then we can pay off the house in Florida and this one for the kids you know. Judah and hazel are planning on retiring about 4 years after we're gone so we'll give this one to them." Harold said not realizing Jason had came by with Travis.
"I'll write it down." Katherine said knowing he'd forget.
"Thanks Kathie. We got anymore of that cheese cake my daughter made?"
"She was my daughter before yours. "
"I don't see it that way now woman. Gwendolyn was destined to be my daughter just like Travis and Jason were supposed to be my sons."
"Those are my babies. "
"No no no you're wrong this time Kathie. If I asked them who their favorite was they'd choose me."  Harold confidently stated teasing his wife.
"Is that so general?"
"I put it on my Sarah Dakota jet." Harold said.  Katherine smirked knowing that was his first ever flown plane. He made that with the love of his late wife. "And if I'm wrong I'll change it to the Kathie aris."
"You can't say her middle name like that." Travis spoke up and the parents laughed and welcomed them in.
"I can too and she likes when I say it."
"Dad. We didn't ask for that." Jason interrupted his seductive look at Katherine.
"Where's my heather." Katherine asked Travis.
"She's with Paris. "
"How old is she?"
"That's perfect calculation. " Harold said and Katherine agreed.  "Passion is 15 and by then rich and her would be married with a girl. "
"A girl?"
"Yes a father's love produces females the most. Owen loves her and Richard loves her but he don't know it yet. That boys as buff as Larry the lobster but his heart is of gold. She's gonna straighten him out."
"I don't know. " Travis doubted.
"I think he's right did you know what she did for his birthday?"
"She requested his father for a visitation from prison." Jason said and he continued to tell Travis about her Saving his life 3 times.
"Okay there's potential on her end but what about him??"
"He don't need to do nothing for her but treat her nice. Her daddy already taught her how to protect herself and her mama taught her how to be independent and manage her own money. He don't gotta do nothing but get out them streets and be loyal." Katherine said cutting a slice of cheese cake for Harold. The boys sat.
"When is he gonna get out them street's?"
"When something scares him enough. " Jason said.
"Scared? Richie?? That nigga is huge he ain't scared of nothing. "
"Probably seems that way but he's most likely scared of losing someone. " Jason replied knowing Owen was just like him and so was he. He got out because he was afraid to lose Nora and Owen got out because he was in love with kalice and now it was Richard's turn to do it for himself and for passion.
"Losing the one you love can hit hard."  Katherine advised. "I know it too well. But i met my second chance and almost died." Katherine said holding Harold's hand.
"Glad we got 10.years of that out the way and 10 more to come." Harold said and they kissed.  Jason looked confused and Travis was just as confused .
"10 more?" The boys asked.
"Yes we got a notice we aren't to leave until 10 years. And I am happy because I feel healthy enough to travel at least 5 countries with my wife." Harold said making her blush telling him to behave.  "And a lot more bedroom action ."
"DAD!" Travis scolded covering his ears.
"What we're all grown."
"But you're our parent's we don't know what yall do when we aren't here." Jason said turning red with embarrassment .
"Oh quiet now your children are quite vocal about their love life .especially wenston and Chelsey . Woo those two are getting it on." Katherine said laughing and the boys sighed arising to leave.
"Sons. Whose your favorite?" Katherine cut in and the boys pointed to Harold and Katherine looked at him.
"You've turned them against me general. "
"Now now Kathie its nothing like that." Harold said laughing at her disappointment.  "I love you." The boys left and Katherine smiled at his love .
"I love you too."

When the fireworks begin: Wenston and Chelsey ( Down memory lane)Where stories live. Discover now