Hospital visit

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When I first came to stay in the hospital I actually had a lot of people visit me at first. Relatives from both my mom and dads side of the family came over to show support. Countless high-school friends and teachers also came  around with well wishes ,cards, and flowers. That was the first week at least.

My visiting log now consists of 3 people now. My parents and my best friend. My relatives went home and my friends slowly lost touch occupied with their own lives. I get it though, theres school work to do and jobs to get back to. Doesn't it mean it doesn't suck though.

My parents visit as often as they can but their jobs are very demanding. Judy and Kevin Johnson ,my parents, work as high profile attorneys at a financial law firm. The law firm they work for deals with A-list clients from all around the country so they are almost always busy.Most of the time they work long hours on cases or travel to meet out of state clients. Despite their busy schedule they do call every evening to ask about my day. And at least one of them tries to visit at least twice a week.

The one person who visits everyday is my best friend Anna. And to be honest sometimes I wish she didn't. Don't get me wrong I love my childhood best friend. I've know the girl since first grade ever since she asked me play with her during recess. A friendship for the ages was forged right there on the monkey bars.

But ever  since I was diagnosed she has treated me differently. Every time I look in her eyes all I see is the pity in them. She acts like I'm made of glass. Like I'll break at any second from a stray sneeze or fart. It gets frustrating, I get that it's coming from a place of love but it's more than a little demoralizing.

I try to remind her that I'm still me and that I'm more than capable and not that fragile. It seems to fall to deaf ears though. I got a paper cut last week and she offered me a subscription to a audiobook app so I wouldn't have to open books. I politely refused but mentally cussed her out.

It's getting harder to hold my temper,I can barely listen to the borderline condescending tone that her voice has sometimes. While I do value the fact that this is her way of showing affection I'm afraid if she doesn't ease up soon I'm going to show her how I show my anger.

I was reading in my hospital room when Anna arrives. She comes in and immediate lies on the end of my bed in huff. I raise my eyes from my book and look down to examine her.Anna is about average height at 5 foot 4 but thats the only thing average about her. Anna was beautiful like "stop and stare" beautiful to be honest. I'm not saying that as a bestie either. She had waist length black hair that framed her heart shaped face. Her eyes were an almost shockingly bright green that draws people in immediately. But the way her button nose was flared and her plump lips were twisted into a disgruntled snarl lessen her appeal quite a bit in my opinion.

"God Travis is such a jerk! You'd think he'd be a little nicer to his younger sister but no. Always gotta be so difficult. And always so dramatic too! That jerky jerk. Wouldn't even give me a ride here. " she said in annoyance.

" Why its nice to see you too Anna! Thanks for asking about my day. It was just dandy. " I say with a smile.

Anna winced and said sheepishly " Hey Laura."

"Hey Anna." I said with a chuckle " What this about Travis? What you do this time?"

"Me?!" She said sitting up shocked " Why do you assume it's something I did?" I raised a skeptical eyebrow knowing her hobby of annoying her brother for fun. I can hardly count the number of pranks that she has done on her brother over the years. I've helped with a few myself cause I like a few laughs here and there but sometimes I know Anna has the tendency to go overboard.

"Cause I know you. So spill what did you do?" I said placing my book down and crossing my arm waiting expectantly.

"Nothing!" she said looking away from me. I stare at the side of her as she bite her lip before breathing heavily and turning back with a slightly guilty look.

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