
368 14 1

Sorry for posting late... I am little busy because of festivals and my studies.... enjoy this chap ✨

Author's Pov

Y/n' eyes met with Nick....
His eyes were all red and swollen and same goes to y/n

They both stood properly but before y/n could say anything Nick just showed her a painful smile and asked

Nick- How's your life going y/n ?.... Everything is okay right?...

Nick said this while smiling but deep down he's feeling something else

Y/n- I missed you

She said and that's when she couldn't tolerate anymore and hugged him like no tomorrow...

Nick was hesitating to hug her back but he did when he heard her little sobs

Nick - H- hey don't cry.. why are you crying...

Y/n- I never w-wanted t-this , He- he forced me to-

??- What's going on there ?

They both turned around and faced an angry and curious Taehyung who was more like glaring at them

Taehyung - What happened Mrs Kim... Are you missing me that much that you started crying ??

He said emphasizing the word "Mrs Kim" and looking at Nick...

Nick just backed off and said

Nick- H-hyung why did you do that?

He asked Taehyung in his weak voice

Taehyung chuckled and said

Taehyung - I told you Nick to better back off... She is only for me .... Her faith is tied up with me... Then why are you still wasting your time here ?... Show some respect to your sister in law and leave !

Y/n clenched her fist as she was not able to tolerate his shits and left towards the car..

After a while  Taehyung also came and sat beside her... And signalled the driver to started the car....

There was a complete silence... Y/n was cursing him with 10 different languages... Whereas Taehyung was admiring his fierce kitten

They reached at the venue

  It was all black but looked beautiful and elegant

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  It was all black but looked beautiful and elegant

As they entered..

Someone hugged Taehyung from behind

Someone hugged Taehyung from behind

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??- Hey handsome...

Taehyung turned around and said

Taehyung - How are you Beautiful

Y/n was just standing there awkwardly

?? - As always... Hot and sexy..
She said in a flirty tone... Soon her eyes fall upon y/n

Raising her eyebrows she asked

??- Is she the one Taehyung???

Taehyung - Oh yeah... Meet my wife.. Mrs Ki-

Y/n- Ms Y/n ....Nice to meet you

??- I'm Somi... Taehyung's first and true love .. she said while sliding her arm on Taehyung's shoulder

Y/n rolled her eyes as it didn't effected her or maybe did?

Taehyung excused himself as his mafia members where there..

Somi- Girl you are lucky that you got such a handsome and Perfect husband..  wonder what he found in you...

Y/n - Atleast his taste is good so he choosed me rather than a slut

She said this in a flow ..

Somi just gritted her teeths and said before leaving...

Somi- Hope this party goes well....

She said leaving an unbothered y/n

On the other hand

??- Boss they reached here

???- Keep an eye on them and tell me about there every move..

??- ok boss

?? Pov

Ok Mr. Kim... Enjoy a little more..


Vote for next part  ✨🤓

Comment down your ideas...or who you think the masked man is ?

See you in next chap... Tata ♥️♥️

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