Getting Permission

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December 20, 2022

Draco's POV:
"Lucius Malfoy, why did you request to see me?" I asked knowing that he obviously had some sort of ulterior motive that I hadn't figured out yet.

"Am I not allowed to ask to see my own flesh and blood?" He replied with a smirk that he "hid" from me.

"Why do you just randomly want to see me now? You didn't give a crap about me when I was a child. You just treated mum and I as if we were just servants to you. Lucius, I am sick and tired of your lies and manipulation, you never loved me, nor will you ever love me in the future. I know that you have an ulterior motive." I told him with the best stern voice that I had the courage to use at the moment.

"Why, my dear son, what is this ulterior motive that you speak of? I would like for us to start over, just forget everything that had ever happened to you. All of your relationships with muggle born people, even full bloods, excluding myself of course. I know that you want to be a Death Eater, not a good person. Good people harm and kill people like us, my dear son. I thought that one day you would carry on the Malfoy name as a legendary Death Eater, but I guess I was wrong. I guess that you are just incapable of killing people, let alone hurt them. You are just as soft as that Granger girl, I have met teddy bears tougher than you." Lucius clearly lied to me, I could tell without even looking at him.

I'm not sure what it was about his statement that angered me, but my blood began to boil. I grabbed him by his shirt collar and pulled him as close to my face as I could. "Lucius Malfoy, you have never been my father, nor will you ever be. I don't know where in the world you got the idea that I am incapable of killing someone; let alone hurt them, I am perfectly capable of that, understand? I could grab you and pin you against the wall at your own will. By the way Malfoy, her name is Hermione Jean Granger and I just so happen to love her very much. Of course you wouldn't know that because you never paid attention to me when I was a child." I said, making sure venom laced every word that I seethed at him.

As I was trying not to murder this poor excuse for a man, he just stood there smirking at me. "I'm sorry that I lied to you in the past, but you, my friend, were the one who was stupid enough to believe that I actually loved you. If you do not follow the Death Eaters, I will kidnap Herman and make sure you never see that sorry excuse for a sophisticated woman again! Are we clear? I asked ARE WE CLEAR?!" By now, he was shouting, which sent his nasty garlic and onion breath into my face.

I backed away as if I had given up, but then pushed him up against the wall by his collar with ease. I put my face right up against his and started yelling in his face. "Her name is Hermione, and you will do nothing to her as long as I'm around! No Lucius, you are the stupid one for thinking that I actually would go back to a life of dictation and loneliness, rather than a free life surrounded by my best friends! If I'm so incapable of hurting someone, why can I make you cower in fear? Is the great Lucius Malfoy afraid of a man he thinks is his son? Stay away from my family! Are we clear?

I'm not sure how this exactly happened, but Lucius managed to turn us around so I was against the wall and he was holding me against the wall. Slowly, he pulled his wand up against my neck. After I realized my hands were behind my back, I grabbed by wand and put it right between his cold, dark grey eyes that were identical to my own.

Lucius just stared at me as if he wanted me to say something. Instead, he spoke first. " Oh my! A wand! What spell are you going to do? Wingardium Leviosa?" I just looked at him with disgust as he mocked me with a very bad impression of me at the end.

I gathered up as much courage as I had and started speaking " Actually, Lucius, I had a different spell in mind."

He looked at me and started laughing. Why is he laughing, I can't tell you. "What spell do you have in mind young Draco?" He asked me in a baby voice.

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