Your POV:
They went on stage, They were really good.
Niall's POV:
I couldn't see her in the crowd, there were to many people. We went to stage 2, we sang "They don't know about us", and there she was I could see her, my jaw droped, I couldn't do anything. Liam notice:
"Hey whats wrong man?" He asked.
"It's (y/n) she standing right over there" I pointed at her.
"Wow thats her?"
"Yeah.. keep away from her mate!"
"Sorry.. you know I have Danielle."
"Yeah sorry.."
"Are you ready, the questions are comming now?" Liam asked grinning.
I didn't replied but sang the song finish with the boys. We went of with the questions:
"And there is a question from Natalie "Do the Joe!" ohhh okay then" Harry said.
We did the Joe, and some other stuff.
"Yeah uhm everybody we have a little suprise tonight" I tried. The crowd were screaming. "We have one speciel girl tonight, she are going backstage!" The crowd were screaming like never before. "We are finding the winner..."
Your POV:
OMG You were screaming so loud, you crossed your fingers...Niall began to speek again:
"And the winner is... The person who sitting in L6 row 12 seat 133!" He screamed.
You were almost faining, it was you.. you couldn't believe it! Poul came to take you back stage, you followed, you were shaking like a cold puppy. He toke you to a chair.
"Uhm sorry but can it be poosible, that I could see the rest of the show?" You aksed shaking.
"Yeah of course this way." He toke you to the front row. You sat down.
Niall's POV:
I was really happy, we went to stage 1 again. Then I saw that (y/n) was on front row, what if she didn't won't to meet me.. us. I asked Poul:
"Why isn't she backstage?"
"She wanted to see the show finish." He replied.
"Oh okay"
Your POV:
The boys began to sing little things, it was beautiful, Niall's solo came, he was lokking at you dircetly in your eyes. You got butterflies in your tommy.
The concert was over, then Poul took backstage again.

Secret lie
FanficNiall Horan change his identity to have you as his girlfriend, you don't know that his from one direction a well known band, but just know him as Micheal from twitter....